- - - -
CHURCH - - -
- Early in the summer of 1859 several
Shelby Lutherans, primarily migrants from
- Perry County, Pennsylvania, approached
Rev. John Stough of Ashland about the
- possibility of establishing a
Lutheran church in Shelby. During that summer
- Rev. A.R. Brown of Mansfield held
services in :the homes of interested families,
- culminating in the organization
of the First Lutheran Church of Shelby on
- September 1, 1859.
- Rev. Brown resigned his charge
in 1861 to serve as a Union Army chaplain
- during the Civil War, an on December
1, Rev. Daniel Summers accepted the charge.
- During Summers pastorate
(1861-68) the congregation grew to such an extent that
- the trustees decided no longer
to rent the facilities of the Reformed Church
- (now the United Church of Christ),
but to erect a building for the sole use of
- First Church. Subscriptions were
taken starting in 1863, and sometime in
- September 1867 the new church
was dedicated on two lots on Depot Street,
- of Samuel Sutter, which
still remain our church site.
- For the next thirty years, no
major additions were made to the physical
- plant; however, there was the
evidence of a healthful atmosphere, a steady growth,
- and of increasing power and blessing
under the Revs. J.F. Shearer (1868-72),
- D.I. Foust (1872-76), Daniel Summers
(2d pastorate 1876-85),
- M.L. Kunkelman, M.D. (1885-88),
J.E. Lerch (1888-90), and M.L. Wilhelm (1890-97).
- When Rev. W.H. Singley, D.D.,
was called in 1897, the rolls had grown to
- 160 members, and the need for
a larger building was evident. During Singleys
- pastorate, therefore, the church
was incorporated (Feb. 25, 1898), and the church
- building was removed to the rear
of the lot to allow construction of a new edifice.
- This second church building, dedicated
on March 12, 1899, an American
- adaptation of Romanesque and Gothic
architecture, contained the original
- church building, which was brick-veneered
and served as the Sunday School
- quarters.
- During the early years of this
century, the church building was improved
- by the installation of electricity
(1911) and the completion of the church basement.
- Pastors serving in this period
included the Revs. George S. Bright (1901-02),
- A.B. Shrader (1902-04), Henry
C. Funk (1904-11), J.H. Neuhauser (1911-16),
- W.M. Hackenberg (1916-23), and
John S. Tome (1923-25).
- First Evangelical Lutheran Church
(ca. 1920)
- By 1926, when the Rev. D. Bruce
Young accepted First Churchs call, the
- congregation numbered 827. During
Dr. Youngs thirty-seven year pastorate
- the membership increased substantially
and church facilities were expanded
- accordingly with the addition
of an Educational Building in 1939 and demolition
- of the church building, the present
structure being built on the same site and
- dedicated on May 10, 1959. Associate
pastors during Dr. Youngs pastorate were
- Rev. M.P. Paetznick (1934-40)
and C.B.A. Stacy (1957-60).
- After Dr. Youngs retirement
in 1962, Rev. James L. Lumadue accepted
- ourcall and has remained with
us from 1963 to the present. Under his ministry the
- church parking facilities have
been expanded by the purchase and razing of
- Grant School, the former Nazarene
Church has been bought and remodeled for
- parish office and meeting facilities,
and the northwest corner of the block has
- been transformed from decaying
houses into a beautiful garden and lawn
- with a massive roughhewn cross
as its focal point. Associate pastors under
- Rev. Lumadue have been Revs. Richard
Faust (1967-72) and
- Donald L. Albert (1972-).
- A brief historical sketch such
as this is necessarily concerned with names,
- dates and building programs. The
true worth of a church cannot be measured
- in such mundane terms, but these
mundane terms can serve as evidence of the
- congregations growth as
a living testimony to the glory of God through the
- activities of the First Lutheran
Church of Shelby.
copied from First Lutheran
Church Directory July 1979
- Article
contributed by Ruby Bonecutter
- If you would be
interested in adding to, or commenting on the items on this page,
- please contact

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