- - - -
- "The
Protestants were represented in Shelby first by the Methodists,
who began services in 1821, when Reverend Haney preached at a
cabin of a Methodist family about one mile sotheast of town.
The Methodist Society was formed in 1825, and in about 1827 they
began holding services in the first log schoolhouse." (1)
- Methodist Episcopal Church - built 1883
(photo c. 1899)
- "On
each Sunday morning a multitude of people, both old and young,
can be seen wending their way toward the beautiful brick structure
on South Gamble a few steps from Main Street. The objective point
being the commodious M. E. church. This place of worship was
erected about the year 1883 by members of the congregation. As
we were unable to learn all the facts in regard to the early
history of this church we can only give a very meager detail
of its growth. A great many of the older inhabitants of our city
will remember when the active members of this church were numbered
by the dozen while now the church roll shows a membership of
almost 400. The present pastor Rev. J. B. McCay has proven himself
a thorough, conscientious man and has had the satisfaction of
seeing the confregation increase in numbers since his appointment
to this charge. The M. E. church is rccognized as one of the
leading churches in the city and still grows in popularity and
numbers." (2)
- Methodist Episcopal Church (photo c. 1909)
- Methodist Episcopal Church (photo c. 1950)
- The
following photos shown through the courtesy of Joe Thompson,
who would like to have information
- re.
the Methodist Men's Group picture below:
(click on image for enlarged view)
- Methodist Men's Group
(click on image for enlarged view)
- "Little Big Four"
- (1) The Story of Early Shelby - Freedom of Religion
- Raymond Moore Wilkinson, 1962
- (2) 1901-1902 Shelby Directory
- If you would be
interested in adding to, or commenting on the items on this page,
- please contact

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