- Daup
MARCH 10 - Edward Franklin Doup, 48, died at the family home
- in Cass township
Thursday evening at 10:30 o'clock after an illness of six months.
He is survived by his wife, Edith Lybarger Doup; two children,
Leo at home and
- Mrs. James Russell
of Cass township; father and stepmother, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doup
- of Rome; a sister,
Mrs. Clyde Kissell, east of Rome; a brother, Ralph Doup of Rome.
- He was born in
Bloominggrove township March 13, 1885.
Services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the family
home and
- at 2:30 at the
Ganges church, with interment in Mt. Hope cemetery, Shiloh.
- Mr. and Mrs. D.
W. Cox will conduct the services. Dick & Dye funeral directors
- Shelby are in charge."
FRANKLIN DAUP2, 10 March 1933, Unknown newspaper.
DAUP PASSED AWAY - Edward Franklin Daup passed away
- last evening at
10:30 at his home in Cass township following an illness of the
- past six months.
- He is survived
by his wife Edith Lybarger Daup, two children, Leo Daup, at home
- Mrs. James Russell
of Cass township, father and step-mother Mr. and Mrs. Henry Daup
- of Rome, sister
Mrs. Clyde Kissell of east or Rome, a brother Ralph Daup of west
of Rome.
The deceased was born in Bloominggrove township on March 13,
The services will be held at 2 o'clock from the home and from
the Ganges church
- at 2:30 Sunday
afternoon. Interment will be made in Mt. Hope cemetery in Shiloh.
- The final rites
will be conducted by Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Cox. Friends are invited
- call at the family
home at any time.
- Arrangements are
in charge of the Dick & Dye funeral directors.
FRANKLIN DAUP, 10 March 1933, Unknown newspaper.
- Obits. courtesy
of Terry Wilson
- Daup
- SHELBY - Harry (Henry) E. Daup, 68,
- died at Shelby
Memorial Hospital this morning after an illness of a week.
He was born in Franklin township, Nov. 2, 1862, and spent his
entire life in
- Richland county
with the exception of three years. He was preceded in death by
- former wife, Rebecca,
and a son, Edward.
Services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Presbyterian church
at Rome, of which
- he was a member.
Burial will be made in the Shiloh cemetery. He is survived by
- wife, Jane (Jennie);
a son, Ralph; a daughter, Mrs. Clyde Kissell of Rome; and
- eight grandchildren.
- Friends may call
at the family home Saturday afternoon and evening."
Friday, 15 February 1935, Daily Globe,
- Shelby, Richland
County, Ohio.
Obit. courtesy of Terry
- Daup
- Bloominggrove Township,
Route 2, Shiloh, died in his sleep early today.
Born in Shelby April 30, 1897, he was a retired employee of Mansfield
- Products. He had
lived in his present home are 48 years. He had been a member
- of the Rome Church.
Survivors include his wife Josephine; a daughter, Mrs. Wallace
Harnly of Shelby;
- two sons: Ellsworth
of Adrian, Mich., and Harold of Shiloh; 12 grandchildren, and
- great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Dye Funeral
- the Rev. Harlan
Dague, pastor of the Shiloh Methodist Church to officiate
- with interment
in Mt. Hope Cemetery in Shiloh.
Friends may call at the funeral home after 4 p.m. Wednesday.
OF RALPH DAUP, 13 July 1965, Unknown newspaper.
Obit. courtesy of Terry
- Daup
- "William P.
Daup, a well known and respected resident of Franklin Township,
- died this morning
at 4:30 o'clock, at the family home nine miles southeast of Shelby,
- after an illness
of several weeks.
He was born in Pennsylvania, and was 68 years of age at his death.
He had lived in
- Franklin township
for the past several years and was well known in the community.
- He is survived
by his wife and four children. The funeral will be conducted
- Rev. Burgett, pastor
of the (German) Reformed church at Ganges.
- Interment will
be made in Zeiter's cemetery. He leaves a host of relatives
- and friends to
mourn his death."
P. DAUP, May 1917, Unknown newspaper.
- Obit. courtesy
of Terry Wilson
- Dick
- Harmon H. DICK
was born Sept. 8, 1849 and died Feb. 26th 1910 aged 60 years,
- 5 months , and
18 days. He was the second son of Josiah and Elizabeth Dick.
- The deceased was
born in Cass township on the farm known as the grandfather
- George DICK homestead,
and lived there with his parents until four years of age,
- then moved to a
farm one mile east of Shelby and resided there 11 years of age,
- then removed to
the Josiah DICK farm in Cass township where he helped his
- father to clear
and farm the place.
- On January 26th
1875 he was married to Miss Mary MALONE and in 1878 removed
- to a farm in Plymouth
township where he resided until his death. He was very patient
- during his long
- He was a good huband
and father and he leaves to mourn his death, a devoted
- wife and seven
children, and three grand children , which are as follows:
- Allen J. DICK,
Willard DICK and Mrs. Ira C. PETTIT married and residing on farms
- near home. Hannah
Elizabeth, Nida Belle, Oren Iven and Harmon Ray, residing
- at home. The grandchildren
are Ava Corrine PETTIT, Clarence CRUM and
- Harmon Wilbur DICK.
- The deceased also
leaves five brothers and one sister which are as follows;
- George G. DICK,
Isaac DICK, Oliver DICK, David DICK and Andrew J. Dick and
- Mrs. John ELLIOTT,
and he also leaves a large circle of relatives and neighbors
- to mourn his death.
The funeral was held at the home on Tuesday morning at
- 10 o'clock conducted
by Rev. O. J. COBY of Shelby. The music was furnished by
- Prof. WILLET and
Mrs. E. E. WEATHERBY of Plymonth. And the remains
- were intered in
the Oakland cemetery at Shelby.
- Unknown newspaper
clipping. Found in scrapbook.
- H. H.
- Died Saturday evening
at 8:30 O'clock at His Home Northwest of Shelby.
- The death of H.
H. DICK who lived six miles northwest of Shelby occurred Saturday
- evening at 8:30
o'clock at the family home after an illness extending over a
- of several weeks.
The deceased was aged 60 years and for many tears has lived
- on the farm where
he died. Death was due to liver trouble. He is survived by his
- wife and seven
- The funeral service
will be held Tuesday at 10 o'clock standard time from the
- family home conducted
by Rev. O. J. Coby, pastor of the Methodist church.
- The body will be
interred in the Oakland Cemetery.
- Unknown newspaper
clipping. Found in scrapbook.
- Obits. courtesy
of Phyllis Frazee
- Dick
FUNERAL RITES SET FOR FRIDAY - Ray Melvin Dick, 72, of 14 Franklin
- Ave., died Wednesday
morning at Shelby Memorial Hospital after being ill a month.
Born July 8, 1899 in Jackson Township, he had lived in the area
all of his life.
He had been a custodian at Shelby Mutual Insurance Co., retiring
in 1966.
He was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church, F.O.E. Aerie
763 and
- American Legion
O'Brien Post 326.
He was the son of the late William and Alice Coover Dick.
Survivors include a brother, Bryan Dick of Franklin Ave. and
a number of nieces
- and nephews. He
was preceded in death by two brothers and a sister.
- Funeral services
will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the Dye Home of J. H. Finefrock and
- The Rev. James
Magaw of Trinity United Methodist Church will officiate. Burial
will be
- in the Oakland
Friends may call this evening at the funeral home."
RAY DICK, 27 January 1972,
- Daily Globe, Shelby,
Richland County, Ohio.
- Obit. courtesy
of Terry Wilson
- Dickerson
- From: The Crestline
Advocate Dec 6, 1873
Jottings from our Shelby
Shelby, Ohio Dec 4, 1873
Miss Aggie Dickerson died on Monday evening last. Her funeral
took place Dec 3d.
- The services were
conducted by Rev. D.I. Foust and sermon preached
- by Rev. J.F. Shearer
of Bellefontaine. Her death has cast a gloom over out entire
- There was, perhaps
no lady ever lived here more highly esteemed, or more truly
- beloved by all
that knew her. No one in Shelby posessed as fine musical abilities,
- both vocal and
instremental. She will be most deeply missed in the
- Lutheran Church
where she played the organ for years. The music cor the
- occasion was furnished
by an octet of the Shelby musich circle of which
- the deceased was
a member. Two of the pieces were especially arranged by
- Prof. G. Bowman
for the occasion, they were so appropriate, and the music
- so well rendered
that all present were deeply affected. The funeral
was very largely attended and her remains were followed to the
- Cemetery by any
- Dickson
Mrs. Margaret Ann DICKSON nee HANNA, was born March 8, 1824,
and died Dec 13, 1904,
- being at the time
of her death 80 years, 9 months, and 5 days of age; She had been
in poor
- health since May
of the present year, gradually growing weaker, until the Angel
of Death
- finally called
her away to her reward.
- The funeral was
held at the house, Thursday, December 15, at 1'oclock p.m., Rev.
- of Crestline, O.
officiating, followed by burial in the Hanna cemetery. The deceased
- united in marriage
to Andrew DICKSON, Oct. 23, 1851, and to this union were born
- five children,
two boys, and three girls; the father and three children preceded
her to the
- Glory World.
- She leaves one
son T.F. DICKSON, one daughter, Mrs. W.S. MESSINER,
- four grand children,
Mrs. Florence ACKERMAN. of Shelby, Roy DICKSON, of Columbus,
- Hazel and Maria
DICKSON, of Tiro, and one great grand child of Florence ACKERMAN
of Shelby,
- three brothers,
two residing in Hancock county and one in Tiro. besides a host
of other friends
- and relatives to
mourn her departure.
- Unknown Newspaper
clipping. Found in scrapbook
- Obit. courtesy
of Phyllis Frazee
- Dronberger
was born December 9, 1809, in Huntington County, Pa.,
- died August 1,
1899, aged 89 years, 7 months and 22 days.
- His boyhood days
were passed upon his father's farm in Bedford county, Pa., and
- received such education
as was possible in the times, fitting himself for a teacher,
- which occupation
he followed in winter, and that of civil engineering and land
- surveying in summer.
In 1836 he was married to Aseneth GIBNEY of Bedford County,
- Pa. Three children
were born, two died in infancy and one, Augeline, died in Medina
- County, Ohio, at
the age of 18 years, the mother having passed away three years
- after their marriage.
- In year 1848 he
was married to Mary ANN HARLEY of Richland County, Ohio and
- lived a part of
the time in Medina county and in Mansfield from 1848 to 1854,
- he removed to a
farm about four miles west of Plymouth and lived there until
- death. Five children
were born from his second marriage, LeDru R. of Mansfield,
- Wilda at home,
Emma L, of Minneapolis, Francis A. of Cleveland and Elmer V.
- died in 1864, a
little more than two years old.
- In early life Mr.
DRONBERGER became a Member of the Methodist church, but in
- 1896 he joined
the Lutheran church of Plymouth and continued faithful to the
- of his death, a
period of nearly 44 years. He was an Abolitionist and in principle,
- a Prohibitionist,
having never used liquor or tobacco in any form. During
- his last illness
he was patient and resigned, expressing himself as desirous of
- concluding his
long pilgrimage here and entering upon the never ending life
- Funeral services
were held at his late home on Sandusky street at 2:30 Thursday