- - - MERCHANTS - - -


March 11, 1898
There is one store in Shelby that is creating no small ripple of
excitement, just at the present time, on account of the enormous
amount of business it enjoys, as well as the extremely low figures
placed on all goods handled. This place is recognized far and near
and is well known all over the country as the Bazaar, and the
gentlemanly and wide-a-wake proprietor, D.B. Norton, has
established a reputation second to none, as one of the keenest,
shrewdest and closest buyers in this locality. He is also a thorough
businessman in every way, and always makes it a point to treat his
customers so pleasantly and fairly, that they never fail to call again.
Mr. Norton opened his business on a small scale in this city in 1894,
not quite 4 years ago, and has, by close attention to business, and fair
and square dealings with everyone, succeeded in building up one of
the largest business concerns in Shelby.
Year after year he has added new and different departments to his
store, and moved into larger quarters, until today he is comfortably
located in the commodious Byrer block, occupying two large rooms,
and is now negotiating for another one in the same block. So rapidly
has his large business increased, that he now has ten different
departments in his magnificent store, viz: Groceries, Notions, Shoes,
Wall paper, Picture Framing, Hardware, Optical, Dry Goods, Drugs
and Millinery. Each and every one of the above are divided off into
separate and distinct departments, and he is now arranging for
several more. Mr. Norton has just received the largest line of
millinery goods ever brought to Shelby, and will have a grand
opening April 1st, 1898. In connection with this department he
has secured the services of Miss O.F. Surface, of Columbus, Ohio,
one of the finest trimmers in the state of Ohio. She will have
exclusive control of the millinery department and having previously
worked for a number of the largest millinery concerns in Cleveland,
Buffalo, Piqua, and other large cities, proves conclusively that
Miss Surface is an artist in her line.
A very neat and pretty souvenir will be given to every lady that
attends the opening on the above date. In conclusion we wish to
say that Mr. Norton is a progressive business man who is thoroughly
up-to-date, keeps step to the march of progress, and hence his
continued and unparalled success in business. His large store at
37 West Main St. is a practical illustration of what strict business
methods, together with vim and enterprise will do in the short space
of 4 years. He is here to stay, to grow and prosper, and his
unprecedented success in the past predicts a bright and prosperous
future for the Bazaar. Taking it all in all, Shelby has just cause to
feel proud of this store which, although not classed among our
manufacturing interest, has progressed just as rapidly,
in proportion, as has any one of the many other business
industries in the city.
Such a record is certainly deserving of some attention by our
readers. Mr. Norton informs us that he does not ask any person to
trade with him on the strength of his reputation, or because “he has
been a long time in business,” or because he sold things cheap
last year. With him, every year has got to take care of its own
business. Every sale has got to stand on its own bottom. Every
customer has got to judge the Bazaar by what he buys – not by what
his neighbor buys. His many friends in this city and surrounding
locality all join in wishing him still greater success in the business world.

The above articles originally appeared in the Shelby Spirits Newsletter
and were contributed by the Shelby Genealogy Society.

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