- - - MERCHANTS - - -



–from The Republican Industrial Edition – 1897

Clothing may not make the man but it goes a long way to create an impression.
Our first impressions are hard to get rid of. They stand in the way just when
they are the least wanted. But speaking of clothes there is no house in Shelby
that does any where near as much business in merchant tailoring as that of
C.H. Moyer & Son, which is located at 56 West Main Street. Mr. C.H. Moyer
has been in business in this city for the past eighteen years and understands
the trade thoroughly and has built himself a reputation which stands second
to none. Their line of goods embraces the weaves of American and European
looms, from which may be selected patterns of any style or quality.
C.H. Moyer & Son guarantee satisfaction in every instance.
In connection with the merchant tailoring feature they carry a complete and
up to date stock of ready made clothing for men and boys. Including working
suits, business and dress suits in newest and best styles, overcoats, hats,
caps and gentlemen’s furnishing goods in large variety. The advantages
enjoyed by C.H. Moyer & Son justifies the assertion of their ability to
compete with any contemporaneous house in this county or town. They
have no rent to pay and therefore have very little expense. We regard them
as one of our most enterprising firms.

Article contributed by Ruby Bonecutter

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