- - - -
- Carton
Service, Inc.
- The
Carton Service, Inc., Will Occupy Standard Manufacturing Plant
on Franklin Avenue
- and
Will Employ Thirty People; President H. L. Dibble Outlines the
Company's Plans in
- Connection
With Local Factory; Will Design, Manufacture and Sell Folding
Paper Cartons;
- Giving
Special Attention to Cut-out Designs.
- The
Carton Service, Inc., is the newest addition to Shelby's Industries.
company will be located in the Standard Manufacturing
- building
on Franklin Avenue.
- H.
L. Dibble, president of the company, has just completed the deal
for the building and is in the city for purpose of having some
- changes
made in the structure. Local contractors are giving estimates
on the improvements and the work is to be taken care of as fast
- as
possible. Machinery will be shipped in a few weeks and the company
will give employment to thirty people. The purpose of the company
- is
to design, manufacture and sell folding paper cartons, display
cartons and display advertising particularly pertaining to cut-out
- H.
L. Dibble, president of the company, has been connected with
the folding carton business for the past twenty-three years.
For ten
- years
he was superintendent in complete charge of manufacturing at
the Universal Paper Products Co., Clyde, Ohio, and when the
- company
consolidated with the Gardner & Harvey Co., of Middletown,
he assumed the same duties there. From the first of March
- 1925
to the first of March 1926 he was superintendent in charge of
production at the Standard Paper Co., of Kalamazoo, Mich.
- Both
of these concerns are among the leaders in the folding paper
carton field.
- I.
J. Bookmyer, supervisor of production at the Gardner & Harvey
Co., Middletown, Ohio, is vice-president of the company. John
- Gleason,
real estate and insurance agent of Cleveland, is secretary. Owen
A. Albaugh, assistant auditor and cost accountant at the
- Gardner
& Harvey Co., Middletown, is treasurer.
- The
above four officers with the addition of one other constitute
the board of directors. All the offices of the company, except
- secretary,
will be directly active in the production or sales.
- President
Dibble, speaking of the company and its prospects had the following
to say this morning:
- The
plant which we intend to install will give us a production of
about four carloads of paper board conversion per week. And
- in
dollars and cents will produce a business of $40,000.00 to $50,000.00
per month. The cost of this equipment is approximately
- $35,000.00
varying slightly above or below according to the equipment needs
at the time of installation.
- The
equipment will all be new machinery of the very latest model
and style and will be the best that we can buy to successfully
- produce
folding paper cartons. Each unit will be motor driven. The main
equipment will be printing presses and cutting and
- creasing
presses bought of either Babcock Printing Press & Mfg. Co.,
or The Miehle Printing Press Co. The glue machines will
- be
the latest improved Model A type machine made by International
Paper Box Machine Co., Nashua, N. H. The auxiliary
- equipment
will be purchased from the leading manufacturers of goods in
this line.
- With
Shelby as a center point and including the manufacturing towns
within a radius of seventy-five miles it gives us probably the
- second
largest carton using territory of like dimension in the United
States. This territory includes a large number of cities and
- also
includes a large number of small towns and villages composed
largely of manufacturing industries.
- The
hardware industry and the rubber industry are particularly well
represented in this territory. There are also many manufacturers
- of
proprietary medicines in this territory. These together with
the many varied industries which are users of cartons today open
- field
which would require a plant a great many times our size to serve.
- The
carton industry has reached the size and importance which it
has attained today not so much through the development from the
- inside
as from the demands of the user. It will our endeavor to obtain
immediately such share of business as will be necessary to keep
- this
plant in operation and then center our efforts on the development
of new uses for folding paper cartons. Naturally it is along
- line
that the largest profits are made. We might mention also that
there are innumerable buyers of cartons in the market today who
- desire,
but cannot obtain, the high quality of work which their products
require due to the centering of production in the large board
- converting
plants. One concern with whom the writer is familiar is today
operating their carton division about ninety percent of
- capacity
made on the cost plus basis only.
- It
is the development of this type of business in which we are particularly
interested. You will realize the futility of trying to start
- plant
on this basis and also realize that it will take time and endeavor
to build up the better trade.
- With
this in mind our immediate efforts will be centered on securing
business enough to operate our plant to full capacity from the
- competitive
fields. It is the opinion of the writer that in the immediate
vicinity of Shelby there is a carton consumption of from ten
- to
twelve cars per month. *
- *
The Daily Globe, Shelby OH July 14, 1926
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