- - - MERCHANTS - - -


The Daily Globe –Industrial Edition – April 2, 1906

The present firm of Clouse & Disbro was established one year ago last January
and is composed of Miss E.M. Clouse and Mrs. M.C. Disbro. Before the present
partnership the firm was known as Clouse & Shauweker, and Mrs. Disbro was
engaged in business on her own account in the Garrett block, where she conducted
an art store for some time. The present firm have a superb line of millinery.
Their goods are regarded by those best able to judge as being the very acme
of everything to be desired in the line, and their large and growing trade is
ample evidence that they treat their trade right. They are able to supply any
want in millinery and carry an assortment of hats varying in price from a very
little money up to as high as one wishes to pay. They employ the best trimmers
to be had, keep in close touch with the market by making frquent trips to the
millinery centers and are thus able to give their trade everything that is
desirable in the line.
They also carry a very elaborate line of art goods, including hand worked
embroidery, drawn work and art effects generally in everything that can be
produced in cloth and fancy weaves. In hand painted china, velvets, silks, ribbons
and the like their stock is such as to merit inspection. Trade with them has been
very good and the present season promises to be exceptionally fine.

Article contributed by Ruby Bonecutter

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