- - - MERCHANTS - - -


GREEN & CO. - Drug and Book Store
March 11, 1898
Among the new business enterprises of Shelby, we have pleasure in calling
attention to the general drug and book store of Green & Co., located at
26 West Main street. Although the firm came here last December, they
have made a record for themselves in building up a large and popular
trade both in the town and country. Our citizens are not slow to appreciate
an enterprising and progressive firm, one that can be relied upon for the
accurate filling of prescriptions, family wants, or any orders sent to be
filled. The manager, Mr. Harry M. Green, has the reputation of being one
of the most careful and particular druggists in the state.
Another very important part of this business is the book and stationery
department, which has just been added. It is highly spoken of by those
who have inspected it. Green & Co. certainly carry a very fine stock,
which is elegantly displayed in attractive cases. The store itself is one of
the prettiest in Shelby, and is becoming one of the most popular. All
visitors, whether customers or not, are treated courteously, and made
to feel at home.
Green & Co. carry many specialties, both in patent medicines and
other specifics, as well as in such toothsome things as M’Cann’s high grade
candies, etc. It will pay all readers to call at this new store and examine
the goods offered for sale.
We wish Green & Co. that success in their undertaking which they
deserve by reason of their attention to business.

Article contributed by Ruby Bonecutter

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