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The Shelby Mill Co.

The following was abstracted from an article appearing in the May 20, 1897
issue of the Shelby Republican Industrial Edition:
A Great Concern

The Shelby Mill Co.'s Plant Whose Capacity is 1000 Bbls. a Day
And Aggregates $1,500,00 a Year.

"The Shelby Mill Company is the oldest manufacturing corporation doing business
in Shelby today. The outgrowth of the successful firm of Fish - Storer & Davis who
began the manufacture of flour in Shelby in 1876, at the Shelby Junction Mills, it
has grown and prospered year by year until it has become one of the largest and
best known milling concerns in the State. Its success is due to the push and energy
together with careful and conservative methods that have always characterized
its management. "

"Its brands of flour have a standing second to none throughout the Eastern States
and in England, Ireland and Scotland. The exports to the latter countries amount
to many thousands of barrels annually. The well known brand of patent flour
manufactured by this company under the name of "Storer's Best" is unequaled
in point of quality by that of any other mill. Wherever it is sold, it is considered the
highest standard of excellence. The flours of The Shelby Mill Company being sold
as they are almost exclusively under the brands of the mill, make the name of "Shelby"
a household word in many thousands of families in this country as well as Great
Britain. Of late years, the "Prize Winner Products" specially prepared to meet the
demand for high class cereal products have added to the favorable consideration
of this Company's goods. Its "Prize Winner Perfect Flour" is doubtless the highest
degree of perfection that is possible to be attained. This flour sells at a dollar per
barrel more than the ordinary patent but not withstanding the high price, it is daily
growing in favor as evidenced by the increasing shipments of this particular line
of goods. Under the same name of "Prize Winner Products" this company put up
the highest grade of white and graham Farina and whole wheat Bolted Graham
flour. The packages for "Prize Winner Products" are unique and are used only
by this Company and are protected by registration with the U. S. patent office.
The advertising for this extension of a business already so large as this becomes
an important feature and in this department, The Shelby Mill Company have
shown the most progressive people in the business."
"The officers of the Company are as follows:
President and Treasurer, M. H. Davis, of Shelby;
Vice - President, A. M. Barber, Chicago, Ill,;
Secretary, H. S. Botsford, of Shelby, O.
Directors are as follows:
M. H. Davis, Shelby, O.;
A. M. Barber, Chicago, Ill.;
William A. Palmer, Akron, O.;
J. C. Fish, Shelby, O. and
B. W. Robinson, Akron, O."
"The mill is operated night and day and is turning out at the rate of a thousand
barrels flour daily. The superintendent, Mr. Thomas F. Gray, has had many
years of experience as head miller in flouring mills of large capacity and
thoroughly understands the handling of a plant of this kind. Besides being
a miller, Mr. Gray is an expert judge of flour and looks upon milling as
one of the sciences of the age."
"Less than a year ago the Company rebuilt its steam power plant and there is
probably no more thoroughly equipped steam plant nor one more economical
in the entire country. The Murphy smokeless furnaces now in operation prove
conclusively that the consumption of smoke is not only possible but decidedly
economical. No smoke is ever seen from the stack of the Shelby Mill Company
when the mill is in operation. The Shelby Mill Company has an elevator at
La Rue, Ohio, at which point it handles hundreds of cars of grain annually.
At New York City, it maintains a branch office at C 2 & 3 Produce Exchange,
where in addition to the flour of its own manufacture it handles annually,
many thousands of barrels of flour for other mills."
(added November 28, 2009)

The following article contributed by Ruby Bonecutter:
The Shelby Mill Co.
The Shelby Mill Co., is the outgrowth of the business established at this
place in 1876 by C.F. Fish, D.W. Storer and Baker Davis. The Company
was incorporated in 1882 and that year built the present mill, established
at the crossing of Main St. and the C.C.C. & St. L.R.R., M.H. Davis, the
present president and treasurer has been connected with the company
since 1877. His father, Baker Davis, died in 1879. Upon the formation
of The Shelby Mill Co., C.F. Fish was elected President, D.W. Storer
Vice-President and Manager and M.H. Davis, Secretary and Treasurer.
In 1883 Mr. Fish died and Mr. Storer succeeded to the Presidency.
Mr. Storer and Mr. Davis continued in their respective offices until 1888,
when D.L. Cockley having purchased Mr. Storer’s interest, became the
president and so continued until 1891, when, having sold his interest
to Mr. Davis, the latter was chosen president and has since continued
in that capacity. In 1892, H.S. Botsford of Cleveland, Ohio, connected
himself with The Shelby Mill Co., and became its secretary, in which
capacity he still continues. Mr. Botsford came to Shelby well equipped
in the milling business, having been secretary of the Newell Bros. Co.,
of Cleveland, afterwards succeeded by the American Cereal Co., for which
latter concern Mr. Botsford had for a considerable time acted as manager
of the Cleveland branch of that business. The other officers and directors
consist of A.M. Barber, of Chicago, Vice-President; J.C. Fish of this city,
William A. Palmer and B.W. Robinson, of Akron, Ohio. The company
has a capital of $150,000 and a surplus of $25,000.
Thomas F. Gray, Supt., has had many years of experience in milling
and is exceptionably well qualified for the position he occupies. The volume
of business transacted annually by the Shelby Mill Co., approximates one
million dollars. The output of flour is from 800 to 1000 barrels daily, and in
the distribution of this large quantity of product, the name of the company
has been well established in all the markets of the Eastern states and
throughout the south-east as well as in the large markets of Great Britain
and Ireland. The plant at Shelby consists of several extensive warehouses
and elevators, together with a cooper shop where the company manufactures
its own barrels, this with the mill doubtless constituting one of the best
equipped and largest plants of the kind in the state of Ohio. Other
warehouses belonging to this company are located at LaRue, Marion Co.,
Ohio, from which point many thousands of bushels of wheat are annually
shipped to Shelby, and where the company also handles other grain and
seeds upon a large scale. One of the principle distribution points for the
product of this mill is New York where the company maintain an office at
C.2 & 3 Produce Exchange.
Mr. Davis is fairly well known in milling circles throughout the country,
from his connection with the various organizations formed for the
development and extension of the sale abroad of American flour. He has
for a number of years been president of the Winter Wheat Miller’s League,
an organization, embracing the leading millers in seven states, and is
chairman of the Board of Managers of the Miller’s National Association
whose headquarters are at Chicago.

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