- - - INDUSTRIES - - -


The Rib Manufacturing Company, the newest enterprise in the village
and just recently started, is employing about forty people. Their principle
production at the present time will be the manufacture of Hull’s Patent
Umbrella Rib, which is a very unique, modern and highly approved
improvement in the manufacture of umbrellas.

They are also chartered broad enough so that they may engage in
the production of anything made from metal, wood, leather or paper,
and they anticipate making other novelties. They now have in view the
production of a patented woven steel dress rib and stay, and also
novelties for the production of superior bicycles.

The factory is very favorably located, with offices in the main building;
the company hope, however, in the near future to build same independent.
The floor space occupied by them is about 18,000 square feet, with splendidly
equipped engine and boilers sufficiently large to drive another factory of
same capacity.
They are capitalized for $100,000 with $90,000 paid in. The officers are D.L.
Cockley, Pres.; R.P. Hull, Vice-Pres. & Gen’l Mgr. and H.K. Beck, Secy. and

- from The Republican Industrial Edition - 1897.

Article contributed by Ruby Bonecutter

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