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Foreground: Will and Kerr Coal Office - Corner of West Main and Walnut St. - Background: The Shelby Candy and Manufacturing Company



The Daily Globe, Shelby, Ohio – November 24, 1914
"Incorporated in 1905 With Capital Stock of $50,000 - Concern Employs
Sixty - five Skilled Hands and Manufactures Eighty- six Different Varieties of Chocolates."
"The central location of Shelby geographically makes it an important point for the location of many large manufacturing industries. Some very large concerns are located here on this account. One of them that has been a potent factor in the building up and adding to the wealth of our city is the Shelby Candy company. wholesale manufacturers of as fine a line of candy that is produced in the United States. This industry was established in 1898 by W. B. Estabrook, in a small way, and later came into the hands of the present company. In the year 1905 it was incorporated under the laws of the State of Ohio with a capital of $50,000, as the Shelby Candy and Manufacturing Company.
The building occupied by the company is a four story and basement, brick building located along the Big Four railroad tracks, on West Main street. The factory is connected by switch and it affords excellent shipping facilities. The plant of the Shelby Candy and Manufacturing company is one of the best managed concerns in the city. The concern is one of the biggest in North Central Ohio. On the first floor of the building the general office of the concern and the shipping department are located. The offices are located on the west side of the first floor and each department is so arranged that it is very convenient to the employees. The second and third stories of the concern are used for manufacturing purposes. Last July the company installed a new refrigerator system. Located in the basement of the building, there is an electric motor pump distributing ammonia through pipes to the cooling room on the second floor. An automatic system complete from beginning to end, the only one of its kind in this section of the country, keeping the temperature between 64 and 67 degrees, in the hottest of summer days. It is worked without the attention of an engineer. When the temperature goes above the required figure in the summer, a thermostat releases the motor, which in turn starts the ammonia downward in a few minutes.
The cooling room where the wrapping is done was constructed along with the remainder of the refrigeration plant. The company has installed dripping pans under the tubes near the roof where perpetual frost whitens the iron piping. The walls are double and no sound can be heard from the outside. Although the company putting in the plant stated that special ventilation was unnecessary, under present conditions the air can be changed as often as necessary.
The company has installed a $3,000 machine for dipping chocolates, which will do the work of thirty girls and at the same time, make it unnecessary to touch the candy by hand, from the time they come from the mould and enter the machine until they are unwrapped by the purchaser at the retail store.
When the plant was moved from its former location on West Main street to its new home, the building was remodeled inside and made as near fireproof as it was possible to make it. All the electrical wiring is enclosed in conduits, while automatic hatchways at the elevator and doors between every floor and room are arranged to close as soon as the temperature rises to a dangerous point. Fusable links hold up the hatches and keep open the doors, so on the approach of fire the links melt and the doors fly shut and the seat of danger is kept isolated until the arrival of means of fighting the flames.
The company has furnished the girl employees with uniforms and caps at their own expense, so that no money or expense has been spared to make this an ideal candy factory. It is plainly shown that the company takes a special interest in their employees, and the best working facilities are afforded.

Shelby Daily Globe - 1914
The Shelby Candy and Manufacturing company at the present time employs sixty-five skilled hands, and manufactures eighty-six varieties of chocolates. Their registered trade mark is 'Little Boy Blue', which denotes purity. Their trade is mostly drawn from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware. The company also has in its employ six traveling salesmen covering their large territory.

Courtesy of the Shelby Museum
The present output of the company is three tons of chocolates per day, and their yearly sales aggregate from $75,000 to $100,000.

Shelby Daily Globe - 1914
The company is officered as follows:
George W. Coble, President.
H. S. Gump, Vice-President and Manager
J. C. Taylor, Secretary
W. C. Gump, Treasurer
All the officers are prominent business men of Shelby and closely identified with the advancement of our city. Through the efficient management of H. S. Gump, the business has been built up to its splendid and prosperous condition. This is one of the concerns which is not only a source of pride to the citizens and the company, but it is a great factor in the upbuilding of Shelby."

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