- - - -
- The
Shelby Gum Company - 15 Walnut Street, Shelby, Ohio

- The
Daily Globe, Shelby, Ohio April 24, 1950
- "Gum
Industry Had Origin Here Over 34 Years Ago"
- "The
Shelby Gum Company, located on Walnut Street, had it's forerunner
here in the Shelby Supply and Manufacturing Company which was
incorporated in 1916 with a capital of $25,000. Mr. Purdue, of
Cleveland, was the moving spirit in the original enterprise and
became its general manager and treasurer. H. K. Beck, a Shelby
man, was the company's first president. Roscoe Skiles became
vice president and Howard Beck, secretary, by 1921.
- The
Supply and Manufacturing Company built a one-story building in
1916 and in 1917 started operations with three gum making machines
and three employees to manufacture gum in ball form. In 1918
it was necessary to erect a two-story addition and in 1919 a
four-story manufacturing plant was started and completed in May
of 1920. Fifty men were employed by that date, and 69 coating
machines or revolving pans were in use.
- In
June of 1924, the new Shelby Gum Company was organized and started
operations the following year in the factory building formerly
occupied by the Shelby Supply and Manufacturing Company. Organizing
the second company were: J. J. Wilsdon, of Cleveland; A. J. Ellery
and Harry Brubaker of Shelby and J. R. McIntyre of the Haserot
Company. L. S. Wilsdon, son of the founder and first president,
is now president; C. C. Hartzell, vice president and sales manager;
Howard Beck, secretary and treasurer and office manager and T.
J. Hanno, superintendent.
- The
originators of bubble gum, their blow gum was put on the market
in 1925."
- Courtesy of the Shelby Museum
- Mansfield
News-Journal, Wednesday, July 25, 1962
- Shelby
Plant Chief To Retire
- Recalls
How Bubble Gum Was Created
- - - A Shelby plant superintendent is retiring August 1 after
spending 52 years in the candy and gum business, including 38
years with the Shelby Gum Co., originators of bubble gum. He
is T. J. (Jack) Hanno, of 158 West Main St., who began his career
in the candy business in 1910. Born and raised in Cincinnati,
Hanno spent three years in Cleveland, where he set up the candy
department in the May Co. before coming to Shelby to help reorganize
the old Shelby Supply and Manufacturing Co. The old firm manufactured
a gum ball used in vending machines and also made candy. "I
recall how we first got onto making bubble gum," Hanno said.
"The late John Wilsdon who headed the reorganization of
the Shelby firm, and I found a balloon tied to a pack of gum.
We wondered why gum couldn't be made with Latex that could be
blown into a bubble."
- "After
a number of failures with different types of base, we finally
found a combination in Watertown, N. Y. that could make the necessary
base we needed," Hanno stated. "Later we employed two
brothers, Pat and John Latteri, who were working for that candy
firm to come to Shelby and work in the newly created base department
in the 1930s".
- The
Shelby firm was taken over by the Spangler Candy Co. of Bryan,
Ohio, July 6 (1962). Rex Pendleton of Bryan was named as general
manager. During World War II Pendleton served as a Navy pilot.
Married and the father of six children, Pendleton is 41. He is
a member of the First Methodist Church and the Moose Lodge. Hanno
is married to the former Emma Anderson of Shelby. He is the father
of two sons, Ralph of Galion and Harold, employed at the Shelby
Salesbook Co.
- "I
remember when we wrapped many of our products by hand during
the depression years of the 1930s," Hanno said. The first
success we had with bubble gum was in what we called "jawbreakers."
A large piece of gum, candy coated outside in different colors
and made in the shape of a large ball. "The cost of making
jawbreakers was too high to continue," Hanno said. "The
panning cost too much. The balls were placed in the pans for
coating and waxing." Kisses and sticks are made into bubble
gum now. "The product still sells for a penny, still the
lowest priced article in the grocery or super markets,"
Hanno said. "The size is not as big but it is still the
biggest penny's worth in the store where penny articles are hard
to find."
- Expected
to take Hanno's place on August 1 is Charles Leemaster of Shelby,
another long time employee who has been in charge of the production
of the bubble gum.
- In
addition to gum, the Spangler Candy Company manufactures Dum
Dum lollipops, A-Z Candy Canes, Pecan Fudge Bars, Hickok Chips,
and other items at the rate of 14 million pounds per year. It
was started in 1906. At Shelby, the payroll is about 60 employees.
At Bryan, it numbers more than 300 persons.
- The
Daily Globe, Shelby, Ohio July 3, 1984
- "Bubble
Gum Was Shelby"
- Hundreds
of Shelby residents passed through the doors of the Shelby Gum
Co. during it's 40 year history. "We had a big turnover,"
said Charles Leemaster of 13 W. Gaylord Ave. "Wages were
the big thing. We were always competing with Copperweld which
in the early 1920s paid 30 - 35 cents an hour, double the 15
- cent hourly wage of the gum company," Leemaster said.
Leemaster went to work at Shelby Gum in 1924, at the age of 17,
just as the company was re-organizing.
- The
four-story brick building on Walnut Street formerly was occupied
by Shelby Supply and Manufacturing, which formed in 1916 and
manufactured gum in a ball form. In 1925, the Shelby Gum Co.,
came out with a brand new product, bubble gum, a treat which
soon grew in popularity. Manufactured under the name of Shelby's
Blo Bubble, Leemaster recalls the company produced as much as
eight tons of bubble gum daily during the peak years in the late
1920s and early '30s.
- It
was Leemaster's job to mix the powder-fine sugar, corn syrup
and base (containing a synthetic latex), all products in the
gum making process. The gum was formed into balls and placed
in big copper coating pans where more sugar syrup was added and
the balls revolved until dry. As many as 15 layers of sugar coating
were added to the gum. "It was an all day process,"
Leemaster said. The final product traveled down long chutes to
the first floor for packaging and shipping.
- The
Blo gum sold for a penny a piece in those days, Leemaster recalls.
But, a penny was a lot of money for a youngster in the early
years and Shelby children would often salvage what bubble gum
they could when waste was burned behind the building. "We
used to burn the sweepings in a big burner at the back of the
factory along the railroad tracks," Leemaster said. "The
kids would get in there and get what gum they could out of the
fire." Some of the big-hearted employees would sometime
throw a few pieces of the sugar-coated treats out of the factory
windows to passing children below, according to Leemaster's wife
- The
Shelby Gum Co. first was formed by John Wilsdon of Cleveland.
His son, L. S., took over the operation in the '40s. Wilsdon's
widow, Mary, still lives in Shelby during the summer months,
according to Leemaster. During its peak years, the company employed
as many as 65 employees and they worked a normal nine-hour day,
five-day week. Work increased to 10-12 hours during World War
II. "We were one of the few still making bubble gum during
the war," Leemaster said "We didn't make any war products."
- Yearly
health inspections by the state and federal health boards were
always fairly routine, the former employee recalled. The strict
guidelines governing food production were not yet a part of the
nation's policies. And today a problem with product tampering
was not even imagined then. "People just didn't seem to
think that way," he said.
- Leemaster
worked his way up to foreman and was named plant manager after
the Shelby Gum Co. was bought out in 1962 by Spangler Candy Co.
of Bryan. Spangler moved the operation to Bryan in 1967 and phased
out bubble gum production last year. Spangler Candy Co. today
is well-known for its Dum Dum suckers and candy canes.
humid days in the '30s, '40s and '50s were special for many people
in Shelby, particularly those who lived near 15 Walnut Street.
The aroma of cooking candy coatings wafted on the air during
most working hours near the Shelby Gum Company but when warm
temperatures allowed the upper windows of the four-story building
to be thrown open, that sweet fragrance traveled the entire neighborhood.
Warm school days in the Spring and Fall were brightened further
for those Shelby students who (by necessity or planned detour)
passed by the Gum Company and were lucky enough to find a bubble
gum treat on the sidewalk or street. Workers would many times
toss a few gum gems out the open windows where they knew the
passing school children would surely find them. Many of those
workers were themselves school children not many years ago and
remembered their delight in finding a similar gum treat.
- For
those who frequented places like Scott's Specialty Shop (or later
Hanrahan's Novelties Store) at 53 East Main St., or many other
corner groceries that were scattered all around Shelby neighborhoods,
there was a great selection of bubble gums produced by (our)
Gum Company. You might buy five pieces of bubble gum, each individually
wrapped in a paper that could provide you with a riddle or cartoon
or joke to tell your friends. Five pieces of bubble gum for a
nickel! Or if you liked (and could afford it), you might buy
bubble gum in a flat pack that included a card with photos of
Hollywood stars or perhaps photos of current airplane models,
or Humpty-Dumpty Up-To-Date cards with pictures and a revised
up-to-date version of a nursery rhyme. All these were manufactured
and packaged right here in Shelby by those kind people who tossed
gum out the windows at 5 Walnut street. Not only did you get
the great bubble gum, but you could try to collect all the cards
in each of these sets! People like you were chewing Shelby Bubble
Gum and collecting these same cards all around the country and
now over 80 years later, people (older now) are still trying
to collect Shelby Bubble Gum cards ! Examples of some of the
cards produced in the 1930s are shown below:
- Examples
of the Humpty-Dumpty Up-To-Date
- -
of the Shelby Museum)

(For a larger view and more info - click above)
- Examples
of the Hollywood Picture Stars cards
- (courtesy of the Shelby
- (For
a larger view and more info - click above)
- Fighting
Planes card series
- (For
a larger view and more info - click above)
- (courtesy of the Shelby
- The
following cards appear through the courtsey of John Shupek at
- (For
a larger view and more info - click above)
- Shelby
Gum Company Memorabilia
- (courtesy of the Shelby
- (For
a larger view and more info - click above)
- Just
after New Year, 2014 we received a call from Tennessee from Mr.
Larry Lumley who was seeking information on a Shelby Gum Company
product. He said his father had served in the navy during World
War II on a Navy battleship where he got the knickname "Hot
Shot". This year sometime before Christmas Larry's wife
gave him a surprise present that felt like an empty box. When
he opened it, he found it was exactly that. After the surprise
and teasing was done, Larry became intrigued about the origin
of the box and decided to check it out. He indicated that his
wife had found it when looking for antiques and collectables,
and immediately knew it would be an ideal surprise present for
Larry. Some time spent on the internet led to the Shelby Museum.
- Click here for more Hot Shot info.
- "Hot Shot" photos provided by Larry Lumley
- We
have no "Hot Shot" items and only a limited knowledge
of when this product was manufactured. It was probably sold in
the mid to late '30s and it is assumed that the candy coating
included a cinnamon flavoring and a hot spice ingredient similar
to the current "Fire Ball" candy coating. We are very
interested in hearing from anyone who is familiar with this product.
We thank Larry Lumley and his wife for this "find"
and for sending us the photos.
- If you would be
interested in adding to, or commenting on the items on this page,
- please contact
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