- - - -
The Daily Globe, Shelby OH April 7, 1906
- The
Shelby Machine company is a corporation organized in 1904,
- with
a capital of $20,000. The officers of the company are A.C. Morse,
- president
and H. Brubaker, secretary
and treasurer. The company is engaged
- in
the manufacture of products from seamless tubing, and, since
they have
- begun
operations their line has increased considerably and promises
still greater
- things
for the future. The principal articles of manufacture are die
stock handles,
- rollers
for cabinet files and closing the ends of cold drawn seamless
tubes for
- various
mechanical purposes. Although the institution is yet in its infancy,
- they
are nevertheless employing a number of men and working overtime
- fill
the orders which they have on hand. At the present time they
are having
- a
number of machines built for them which will very largely increase
- output
and it is not unlikely that within a short period of time they
- erect
a handsome factory building to care for the business on such
a scale as
- will
make it a very fine factory. The future of the business is all
that the
- promoters
could hope for it, and developing as they are, slowly and surely,
- their
progress will be sure and permanent.
- They
are now figuring with a New York house to build hospital furniture
- out
of seamless tubing which only goes to show the wide application
to which
- their
line may be adapted as time goes on.
- We
predict a fine future for this concern, and believe it will become
- an
institution of which the town may be proud and which will reflect
no little
- credit
upon those who organized it.
contributed by Ruby Bonecutter
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