- - - -
The Daily Globe, Shelby OH April 7, 1906
- The
Shelby Spring Hinge Co. was organized in 1900 under the name
of the Easy Spring
- Hinge
Co. At that time they were located in the old marble works, which,
after a short
- occupancy
was added to until all the ground belonging to them was occupied.
About one
- year
after the organization of the company the name was changed to
the Shelby Spring
- Hinge
Co. and this name it has made famous in hardware circles in many
states. In January
- 1904
the present fine quarters were secured and occupied which gave
the factory four times
- as
much space as it had before, with conveniences which made their
work much easier.
- The
present factory building is one of the best constructed brick
structures in town and with
- the
grounds adjacent affords the company ample room for future expansion.
- The
Shelby Spring Hinge Company
- The
present capital stock of the company is $60,000 and the number
of people employed
- will
aggregate seventy-five. Ten travelers are employed on the road
while branch houses with
- large
stocks are located at New York, Boston and Chicago. They have
agencies in many
- of
the principal centers in this country and Canada and have during
the past few years
- been
very aggressive in their operation.
- Originally
they made a double acting jamb spring hinge, but this has been
- and
for some years past the Shelby Chief double acting floor hinge
has been the principal
- item
of manufacture. They make as many floor hinges in a day now as
they did in a week
- a
few years ago, thus showing the enormous demand which has been
created for this
- article.
Besides the Floor hinge made they make numerous other articles,
some of which
- are
sold in tremendous quantities. Screen door hinges are turned
out by the thousands and
- at
this season of the year vast shipments of all classes of their
product are daily made
- preparatory
to the opening of the spring season.
- During
this year they have used nearly five cars of steel in the manufacture
of screen
- door
hinges and when it is considered that all their product consist
of very small pieces, it
- will
be readily seen that the product must be enormous in the finished
ware. We might note
- in
this connection a part of the articles which they make. The list
includes Shelby Chief
- Floor
Hinge, Crescent drawer pull, silk toilet paper holder, bevel
edge push plates,
- Buckeye
screen door hinges, screen door pulls, bevel edge sash lifts,
oval drawer pulls,
- square
sash lifts, cupboard catches, round knob cupboard turns, square
back drawer
- pulls,
flat bar lifts, oval knob cupboard turns, round bar lifts, satin
toilet paper holders,
- flat
edge flush lifts, all steel sash locks, tee handle cupboard turns,
steel bevel edged
- door
bolts, bevel edge flush lifts, screen door hinges in sets, steel
box pulls and Ohio
- detachable
screen hinge.
- This
product goes out in every state and territory of the country
while large shipments
- are
made to Canada and other foreign countries. The demand for the
product of this
- company
has increased every month, and the efforts of the manufacturers
have been
- steadily
directed to use every effort to increase the output. They are
now practically
- sold
out of finished product and two months behind orders a
condition of affairs
- showing
in no uncertain manner the degree of prosperity which they are
- This
condition it may be said has been created entirely by the fact
that they have
- produced
goods of merit, built on honor and which, for service, will equal
- best
produced by any other firm in the world The mechanical part of
- establishment
is quite as complete in every way, the best machines and finest
- equipment
procurable being installed in their establishment either
- designed
for their work, or the best of the regular lines made. Their
- quarters
covering an area of 20,000 square feet is fully utilized and
it would not
- be
surprising were business conditions to become such as to add
materially to
- their
factory space in the near future. The officers of the company
- H.
F. Griffiths, president; J. W. Williams, vice president, J. A.
Seltzer, secretary,
- and
H. W. Steele, treasurer and manager.
- These
gentlemen are so well known that comment is unnecessary, as they
- stand
in their home community for the highest ideals in business and
private life.
- They
have created a big business in six years by dint of the hardest
kind of effort and
- they
are today reaping the benefit which honest conscientious effort
will always bring.
The above articles
originally appeared in the Shelby Spirits Newsletter
- and
were contributed by the Shelby Genealogy Society.
- If you would be
interested in adding to, or commenting on the items on this page,
- please contact

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