- - - GAMBLE SCHOOL - - -
- Class
of 1900
- Photo
ca. 1900 - courtesy of Haven Hummel
- Class
of 1900
1. _______?______ |
5. Gates Hummel |
9. ______?______ |
13. ______?______ |
2. ______?______ |
6. Carrol Hummel |
10. Anna Menchan |
14. Charles
Keck |
3. ______?______ |
7. _______?_______ |
11. ______?______ |
15. ______?______ |
4. ______?______ |
8. _______?_______ |
12. ______?______ |
16. ______?______ |
- (Note: The teacher
appears to be the same lady in both 1900 and in 1902.)
- Class
of 1902?
- Photo
ca. 1902 - courtesy of Haven Hummel
- Class
of 1902?
- (Both
pictures were taken the same day)
- Photo
ca. 1902 - courtesy of Haven Hummel
- Classmates
of 1902:
- (numbers
apply to both 1902 photos - above)
1. Gates Hummel |
6. _______?_______ |
11. Charles
Keck |
16. _______?_______ |
2. _______?_______ |
7. _______?_______ |
12. Anna Menchan |
17. _______?_______ |
3. _______?_______ |
8. _______?_______ |
13. _______?_______ |
18. _______?_______ |
4. _______?_______ |
9. Carroll
Hummel |
14. _______?_______ |
19. Clara
Dick - Teacher |
5. Leroy Rogers |
10. _______?_______ |
15. _______?_______ |
20. _______?_______ |
- Can you help with
identifying the remainder of the Gamble classes of 1900 and 1902?
- If so, please contact
- Class
of 1939 - 1940
- Photo
1940 - courtesy of David Tarvin
- Class
of 1947- 1948?
- Photo
ca. 1949 - courtesy of Janet Viers - Ansley
- Class
of 1947 -1948
- Front Row (left
to right):
- Tom Thompson, Gordon
Robertson, Darlene Mabre, Joe Stacklin, Jerry Furr,
- Junior Hurrell,
Joseph Karl, Joe Bates, Byron Wagoner, Janet Viers, Ivan _________,
- Loy Ebersole
- Second Row (left
to right):
- Mrs. Query - Teacher,
Phyllis Scott, Delilah Hurrell, Jeanette Will, Mary Kathryn Glower,
- Faye Ebersole,
Pat Pitney, Karen Whiteman, Russell Karl, Patty Smith,
Patricia Trout
- Back Row (left
to right):
- Fred Ebersole,
Robert Bonecutter, Robert Needs, Herbert Furr, Donald Roberts,
- Robert Karl, Cecil
Pitney, Gene Whiteman, John Thompson, Jerry Scott
- Please
tell us of any uncorrect names or spellings!
- If
you have additional information that you would like to add to
this page, we
- would
be happy to hear from you. Please email us!!
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