- Correspondence news found
in the Friday April. 19 1870 Crestline Advocate.
- Shelby Correspondence.
- Shelby, O., April 13, 1870
- Ed. Advocate, Dear Sirs --
This fine weather we are having has considerably livened up trade
in our town, and started our dry goods merchants East for goods;
we expect soon to see our stores filled with goods of every description.
We had hoped to escape that dreadful pest
- --Spring fever -- bust must
say we came near having it today.
- We are glad to say that Mr.
Jos. Welker of whom we spoke of in our last has been heard from;
he is "alive and kicking," which no doubt is a source
of gratification to his many friends here.
- We noticed a few days ago
that the workmen have resumed work on our Town Hall, already
the windows are in and the floors are now being laid. So far
it makes a splendid appearance.
- On the morning of the 30th,
of March, Mr. Jacob Brubaker, another one of the old Pioneers
of Richland Co. died, aged about 81 years. He cut down the first
tree upon what now is called the Public Square in the city of
Mansfield and subsequently removed to Sharon township, clearing
one of the best farms in the township.
- The protracted meeting at
the U.B. Church closed on last Sabbath, the result being 35 conversions
and 32 accessions to the church. On last Sabbath 8 persons were
baptized, 3 by sprinkling , 3 by pouring and 3 by immersion,
and in the evening the Lords supper was administered.
- More Anon. ----- Darius ---
- Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler