Jottings from Shelby
in the
Crestline Advocate

From the July 26, 1873, Crestline Advocate.
New Broom
The Leiter Hook and Ladder Co., of Shelby, passed through this place homeward, last Tuesday evening on their return from Marion and the Tournament held at that place for the Fire, Hook and Ladder and Hose Cos. with a cool one hundred dollar premium in their breeches pocket. Many of the Leiters were also carrying new brooms; as much as to say, we sweep clean. The boys were in first rate spirits. At this we do not wonder, since they had succeeded to vanquish the far famed Fostorians. The Leiters tied the Fostoria boys the first run; but upon the second trial, the Leiter boys made the best time, and were declared the winners of the first Premium---time 39 ¼ seconds---distance 40 rods.
Mansfield took the first premium, and Galion the second on hose. The citizens of both Galion and Shelby, may be well proud of their well organized and handsomely equipped Fire companies and good appearance of the members individually, who are certainly meriting their handsome uniforms, furnished by their town authorities, with the full consent of the citizens who pride in the good appearance of their firemen.

Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed

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