Jottings from Shelby
in the
Crestline Advocate

Correspondence news found in the Friday January 10, 1874 Crestline Advocate.
Jottings from our Shelby Local.
Shelby, Ohio., Jan. 8, 1874
On last Sunday night about half past nine o’clock, our citizens were startled by the alarm of fire, which proved to be the Coltman Block. The building was a large three story frame, situated on Main street in the business portion of the town. The entire building was consumed, together with a large amount of goods in the several stores.
The Fire Department was Promptly on hand, but the fire spread so rapidly, that it was impossible to save the building, and the attention of those present were turned to saving the buildings adjoining, which was accomplished after four hours of incessant and untiring labor. It was by the greatest exertions that the house and barn of Mr. Earland were kept from being consumed, being situated not ten feet from the burning building. Wet blankets were kept on the roof, and water thrown from the juvenile engine. Great credit is due the ladies, who worked the engine, and also to Mr. John Dempsey, Chief Engineer, for the able manner in which the fire was managed. The Crestline Fire Department was telegraphed for but the fire was under control when they arrived.
The losses as near as we can learn are: F. S. Robertson, hardware store, loss $10,000, insurance $5,000; M. Leibenthal clothing, $3,000, no insurance, Merchants Hotel, Wm. Sipe, proprietor, $6,000, no insurance; J. Dempsey, loss on building, $8,000, insurance, $500; S. Coltmam, loss $5,000, no insurance.
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed.
Correspondence news found in the Friday February 21, 1874 Crestline Advocate.
Women’s Whisky War in Shelby, Ohio.
Jottings from Shelby.
Shelby O., Feb. 18, 1874
The Ladies of Shelby made their first visit to the saloons on last Saturday, afternoon. They met with encouraging success. The were kindly received by all saloon keepers and were permitted to sing and pray in accordance with the Dio Lewis plan, visiting all saloons except, Mr. Dempsey’s Wholesale Liquor Establishment. On Monday they repeated their visits and were again cordially received, some of the saloon keepers being so touched as to be moved to tears, but yesterday, (Tuesday) they again went on their mission of love and mercy; at which time they called on the Wholesale dealer, but did not find him at home; but like angels of mercy, they proceeded on their silent march, and again visited all of the doggeries and were again received kindly by all except one, he would not allow them to hold worship in his saloon. Nothing daunted, they retreated to the sidewalk, and there on the cold pavement they kneeled, and there sent up their petitions, that God would open the heart of the obdurate man, and let light shine into his soul. The ladies say they will fight it out on this line, if it takes them five years. Their league now numbers 150, and is rapidly increasing, This far about 500 have joined the total abstinence pledge. The plan of operation is: union temperance services every night. Ladies meet each day, one hour to arm themselves with the Sword of the Spirit, no other weapons are used. Men meet at 3:30 o’clock, and pray that the ladies may succeed and every 15 minutes the bell rings, to let them know they are praying for their success. Thus far none have signed the pledge.
A fire just occurred a few minutes ago, in the dwelling of H. Mickey. The roof was partially burned, but they got the fire out before any other damage was done.
------- Visitor ---------
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed

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