- Correspondence news found
in the Friday March, 30, 1877 Crestline Advocate
- Alarm of Fire -- Shelby Dramatic
Club -- Pastoral Labors -- School House Grounds --Etc., Etc.
- On Tuesday morning, the 20th
, the thermometer was six degrees below zero, which made it rather
hard on the lungs to respond to the call of the fire bell, at
6 oclock a.m. The roof of Shreffler and Barkdulls
shop, blacksmiths, was discovered to be on fire, but was promptly
extinguished without the aid of the fire department. Damage slight.
- "Megs Diversion."
by Shelbys Dramatic Club, for the benefit of the Shelby
Light Guards, was well rendered, but was a failure financially.
- We learn the following in
relation to Rev. W. W. Andersons pastoral labors while
he had charge of the Presbyterian congregation the past eight
years: "Fifty one times has the marriage vow been solemnized,
from the bride of "sweet sixteen" to the sedate widow
of middle age. On thirty seven occasions he has officiated at
funerals in this town and vicinity. These departed ones have
been of all ages, from the infant of a few weeks old to the blind
mother in Israel (Mrs. Kerr) and the aged veteran of the war
of 1812 (General Wilson). Fourteen times has he been called to
other places on the same sad duty. It is quite a coincidence
that the number of marriages and funerals have been the same
-- 51.
- On last Sabbath Rev. D. Summers
preached the 27th verse of the 20th chapter of Acts, "For
I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God."
During the discourse, he gave the congregation of the past years
labors. He has preached 152 times in the charge, visited 92 families
received into the church fellowship 69, solemnized 9 marriages,
baptized 9 infants, officiated at 10 funerals, and preached in
all during the year 175 sermons of which 72 were delivered to
Shelby congregations. He concluded asking what benefits they
had, as hearers, derived from the counsels of God. Rev. Summers
is held in high esteem as a Christian gentleman, and next Sabbath
he will enter upon the second year of his third call to the Shelby
charge of the Lutheran church.
- At an informal meeting held,
Dr. McMillen was chosen President, and Dr. Ballard Secretary,
in the M.E. Church last Sabbath, at 3 p.m., and a committee consisting
of one from each congregation; was appointed to confer with the
Temperance evangelists (Murphys) relative to extending
an invitation to them to visit Shelby.
- A white man challenged a darkey
for a fight back of Geo. Kochs doggery, and the white man
got badly punished., besides having to pay fine and costs amounting
to $18. The 15th amendment was applied and worked well. Whisky
was at the bottom.
- Shade trees are being set
out on the grounds near our new school building, which will make
a very decided improvement.
- Mr. Albert Ensminger, son
of Mr. H. Ensminger, of North Robinson is attending the Shelby
High School.
- -------- Darius --------
- Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler