Jottings from Shelby
in the
Crestline Advocate

The "Jottings" in the following sections are to be found in The Crestline Advocate.
They were submitted by unknown authors using pen names. The most noted
pen name is "Darius".
Microfilms of the papers with the original articles can be found at the Crestline
Public Library, North Thoman St., Crestline, Ohio. For the most part the articles
are posted here on the webpage are as they were originally written.


Correspondence news found in the Friday Feb. 10, 1877 Crestline Advocate.
Shelby Jottings.
Mr. Orwiler has so far recovered that he has been dismissed from the Asylum at Dayton, and is again with us.
The night after pay day on the CCC & I. Ray, the house of Mr. Jno. Longnecker was entered by a burglar, and $30 were the earnings of the thief for that job. The next day a tramp, who called himself Smith, was arrested on suspicion, and for want of evidence would have been discharged had it not been for a dagger which he carried. He was sent to Mansfield to await the action of the Grand Jury.
Last week the house of Mr. Chas. Nothacker was entered by some villain, but fortunately he was discovered by a daughter before anything could be obtained. The alarm was given, but the fellow made his escape by way of an upper window.
Last week the Shelby Guards gave an entertainment of three nights duration. The play was entitled "Reverses;" and they express themselves as being more than pleased with the results. The object was to raise money to pay for the new uniforms recently purchased.
Last night the Flowers Family gave one of their concerts in Bowman Hall, which was well worth what it cost to hear.
The Rev. Mr. Summers, of the Lutheran church, is engaged in holding a protracted meeting in the Myers congregation, about three miles west of Shelby, which has already resulted in the hopeful conversion of over fifty souls, and the work still continues with unabated interest.
-------- Patapsco --------
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed
Correspondence news found in the Sat. Feb. 24, 1877 Crestline Advocate.
From Shelby
Burglars Raid the Post Office and First National Bank --Religious Mattes Reviving -- Sewing Society.
On Monday night the 12th inst. burglars entered the Shelby Post office by forcing back the window fastening. The side of the money drawer cut out, but all they got for their trouble was a few pennies. A few nights later an attempt was made to burglarize the First National Bank, the thieves effecting and entrance into the Bank by forcing the rear door, first taking the precaution to securely fasten (as they supposed) the doors and windows of Mr. A. Garrett’s house, who lives close to the proximity of the Bank building. The villains procured several crowbars from a car house at the Junction, and cold-chisels, tongues, sledge, etc., from Mr. Fogleson’s blacksmith shop on Broad street. After placing a guard, they commenced operations on the Bank safe, Hall’s patent. One of the handles was removed and the cavity filled with powder. The charge displaced and the lock and outer doors were opened. Meanwhile, Mr. Garrett, was watching their movements and fearing they would finally succeed, he effected and exit from one of the rear windows of his house, which by some means the burglars had failed to secure, and eluding the guard in darkness he aroused some of the neighbors, and only for the recklessness of a few of the party all might have been captured; as it was; all made their escape, and nothing has been heard of them since.
The meeting referred to a few since, about three miles west of Shelby, conducted by the Rev. D. Summers, closed Monday evening, the 12th inst., Eighty five were converted, and among the number were many heads of families, old and young. On the Sabbath previous to the close of the meetings, forty four were received into the church fellowship, and twenty five or thirty more will unite with the same congregation at an early date; the remainder will unite with other denominations. The Rev. gentleman has now commenced a series of meetings in the Shelby
Lutheran church, of which he is pastor. The meetings have already been in progress one week. We have been informed that Dr. Kuhn, of Canton is expected to assist during this week. There has been a good attendance so far, and good attention, but no father demonstrations.
On Friday of last week, the Ladies Sewing Society of the Lutheran church met at the pastor’s house. A good deal of sewing was done and quite as much talking; but the women must talk you know. We are told they ad a pleasant and enjoyable time.
------ Patapsco -----
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed
Correspondence news found in the Friday March 8, 1877 Crestline Advocate.
From Shelby
Shelby Visitors -- Nothing Heard of the Bank Robbers --Religious Matters --
Another Attempted Robbery.
Our former townsman, Mr. G.W. Billow, Spent a few days here last week, and was the guest of his brother D. He looks hale and hearty, time having dealt gently with him. He was here in the interest of the St. John Sewing Machine Co., of Springfield, and reports business good, and the machines fast gaining favor, which has already taken the front rank among sewing machines. We learn through him that Messrs. Feighner and Billow are agents for this locality.
Nothing has been heard of the Bank robbers yet. The safe damaged by them has been repaired, and a time clock added at a cost of $400. We think it hardly probable that they will again undertake the job.
The meetings at the Lutheran church are still in progress, and gaining in interest and attendance, and the indications are that a good work will be done. The Rev. Jacob Hersheiser preached for the pastor last Sabbath morning and evening. Rev. H. is a son of Mr. Lewis Hersheiser living in the vicinity of Shelby, and is a young man of more than ordinary intelligence. He is at present located at St. Paris, this State, and has charge of the congregations in and about the place.
Rev. W.W. Anderson has resigned the pastorate of the Presbyterian church here and taken a charge at Bellville, this county. He will remove there in a few days and we are sorry to lose such an earnest Christian Worker. He is respected and beloved by all here except the saloon keepers and their friends. We may add here that he was a fearless and uncompromising temperance man, and for this a few of his congregation, who like the "oh be joyful" ( as there are in every congregation,) turned him the cold shoulder and hindered the cause of Christ.
Thieves tried to enter the grocery store of C. Wilson & Son, on the East side, last Sunday night. For some reason they did not succeed in getting farther than forcing one of the rear windows.
We are glad to notice that our townsman, ex-Mayor Leiter, has been employed by the Howe Sewing Machine CO, as collecting agent for this part of the State. No better selection could have been made for this position, and we therefore congratulate the company for having made this choice, and bespeak for Mr. Leiter abundant success.
------ Occasional ----------
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed
Correspondence news found in the Friday March, 09, 1877 Crestline Advocate
From Shelby.
Freight Cars Ditched -- Residence Destroyed and Narrow Escape -- Meetings Closed -- A Wholesale Harness Thief
Conductor Murrick’s train No. 34, ditched the caboose, and also two cars loaded with shelled corn about one mile south of Shelby on the C.C.C. & I. R.R., caused by a broken axle. One of the cars was turned bottom side up, and the other badly demolished. Most of the corn was gathered up, a greater portion being unfit for anything but hog feed.
On Sabbath morning about five o’clock, while the inmates were asleep, the tenant house on Mr. Isaac Bricker’s, farm about two miles east of town and occupied by Adam Hawk, was discovered to be on fire, and before any assistance could be rendered was entirely consumed. Mr. Hawk is a poor laboring man, with a family of six small children, some of which escaped with only their night clothes on. He lost all his supply of flour and meat and a good portion of his household goods. There was no insurance on either house or contents. It is supposed to be the work of an incendiary.
The meetings at the Lutheran church were closed on Saturday last. We were informed there three conversions.
A German living near New Washington, a well to do farmer, was suddenly brought to grief last week. He stole a half set of harness from Mr. Jacob Pry, near West Liberty, and several sets from his neighbors. He was tracked home, eight or nine sets of harness were found concealed in a straw tick of one of the beds in his house.
Mr. David Cummins, one of the firm of S. Mickey & Co., has withdrawn and will in a few days remove to Illinois to superintend his father’s farm. Success to him.
Mrs. Geo. Bowman has been very ill, so much so that her life was despaired of, but we are glad to say she is slowly recovering.
Last Saturday was a busy day for Shelby; the streets wee literally packed with teams.
It looks very Hayes-ey here now. Several flags are floating. The presidential muddle is at last settled, and the country at rest.
------- Occasional -----
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed
Correspondence news found in the Friday March, 16, 1877 Crestline Advocate
"Crossed Over" -- Republican Flag Stolen -- Convalescent -- Business Preparations -- Vacation -- "His Hogship"
Mr. John Crall, one of Richland’s pioneers died on the night of the 7th , aged about 78 years. He formerly lived in Shelby, but has for some years resided on his farm, 7 miles south east of Shelby, with his only son. He was buried in the old cemetery here. The funeral sermon was preached in the Presbyterian church by Rev. Father Biddle, of Galion, from the 14th chapter of Revelations 13th verse. A good man has fallen "he rests from his labors."
We are pained to learn that Mr. Henry Leyman, formerly of this place, but latterly of Mansfield, died a short time since. Mr. L. had many warm friends here, was one of Shelby’s pioneers, and contributed largely to its building up. He was the father of N. N. Leyman, Esq., law partner of ex-Judge Derline, of Mansfield.
Several nights since, some party who had not the fear of the law or God before their eyes, stole the Republican flag in Jackson township, near Taylortown, and cut the rope of the pole so that it could not be reached.
Mr. John Myers, a member of the Board of Buckeye Mutual Insurance Co., has been very ill the past few weeks, suffering intensely from erysipelas in the face. We are glad to say he is recovering.
The merchants of Shelby are making extensive preparations for a large trade when spring opens, nearly every business room has been thoroughly renovated, painted and otherwise ornamented.
Snow-shoveling once more commenced here in earnest. Our ground hog is a failure here. How is his hogship in Crestline??
The Shelby schools will have a vacation next week, previous to the spring term.
We were pleased to take by the hand, a few days since, John A. Gann, former Superintendent of the Shelby schools. He has completed his course in medicine and is about locating to Wooster for the practice of the same. Our best wishes, as well as those of his former students go with him.
---- Occasional --
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed.
Correspondence news found in the Friday March, 23, 1877 Crestline Advocate
From Shelby
Obituary -- Severely Burned -- Religious -- A Runaway -- Removal -- Sleighing Parties -- "Pitched Battle" With a Locomotive, Etc. Etc.
On the evening of the 13th inst., another of the pioneers of Richland county, Mr. Louis Hill, aged 83 years, who resided three miles south of Shelby, passed to that mysterious bourne from which no traveler has ever returned. He was the father of Rev. Thomas Hill. He had been suffering from mental derangement for several years, and thus was a great charge to two maiden daughters, who were unceasing in their watchfulness of their aged parent. He lived in Ohio 49 years -- all of this time in Richland county, with the exception of one year he lived in Crawford.
A few days ago and infant son of Mr. David Cross, on Second street, was accidentally thrown against a red hot stove by a little girl, and was severely burned about the face and hands. The little sufferer is doing well.
On Monday last, Mr. C.D. Thomas’ horses took fright at a locomotive and ran away, upsetting the sleigh to which they were attached, throwing out Mr. Thomas, and another man whose name we did not learn. One of the horses ran his head against a tree on Broad street and was badly hurt. N injury was farther done except to demoralize the sleigh . So much for a sleigh ride in March.
We noticed last week that the walls of the Lutheran church were being calcimined, and were not very favorably impressed with the manner in which the stuff was being spattered over the woodwork. The work is well done , so far as "daubing" is concerned.
We learn from the pastor of the Lutheran church , that at their communion meeting a few Sabbaths since, six united with the church.
Mr. David Cummins and his family let Shelby last week to take up their residence in Tuscola, Ill.
Sleighing is brisk here, and the merry bells are jingling as in midwinter.
On last Saturday, ( St. Patrick’s Day) a hand car load of Irishmen went up from Shelby to Crestline to attend a lecture given at Diamond Hall in the evening. Coming back, they tried to keep their spirits up by pouring spirits down, and while they were in this spiritual condition, and before they were aware of the fact, the locomotive of a freight train shook its ugly mug in their faces and scattered them to the winds of the earth "be gorry! " Several of them were hurt, among them a section boss named Michael Whaland, who had two ribs broken. "be aisy wid de bys nixt time!"
----- Occasional ---
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed
Correspondence news found in the Friday March, 30, 1877 Crestline Advocate
Alarm of Fire -- Shelby Dramatic Club -- Pastoral Labors -- School House Grounds --Etc., Etc.
On Tuesday morning, the 20th , the thermometer was six degrees below zero, which made it rather hard on the lungs to respond to the call of the fire bell, at 6 o’clock a.m. The roof of Shreffler and Barkdull’s shop, blacksmiths, was discovered to be on fire, but was promptly extinguished without the aid of the fire department. Damage slight.
"Meg’s Diversion." by Shelby’s Dramatic Club, for the benefit of the Shelby Light Guards, was well rendered, but was a failure financially.
We learn the following in relation to Rev. W. W. Anderson’s pastoral labors while he had charge of the Presbyterian congregation the past eight years: "Fifty one times has the marriage vow been solemnized, from the bride of "sweet sixteen" to the sedate widow of middle age. On thirty seven occasions he has officiated at funerals in this town and vicinity. These departed ones have been of all ages, from the infant of a few weeks old to the blind mother in Israel (Mrs. Kerr) and the aged veteran of the war of 1812 (General Wilson). Fourteen times has he been called to other places on the same sad duty. It is quite a coincidence that the number of marriages and funerals have been the same -- 51.
On last Sabbath Rev. D. Summers preached the 27th verse of the 20th chapter of Acts, "For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God." During the discourse, he gave the congregation of the past years labors. He has preached 152 times in the charge, visited 92 families received into the church fellowship 69, solemnized 9 marriages, baptized 9 infants, officiated at 10 funerals, and preached in all during the year 175 sermons of which 72 were delivered to Shelby congregations. He concluded asking what benefits they had, as hearers, derived from the counsels of God. Rev. Summers is held in high esteem as a Christian gentleman, and next Sabbath he will enter upon the second year of his third call to the Shelby charge of the Lutheran church.
At an informal meeting held, Dr. McMillen was chosen President, and Dr. Ballard Secretary, in the M.E. Church last Sabbath, at 3 p.m., and a committee consisting of one from each congregation; was appointed to confer with the Temperance evangelists (Murphy’s) relative to extending an invitation to them to visit Shelby.
A white man challenged a darkey for a fight back of Geo. Koch’s doggery, and the white man got badly punished., besides having to pay fine and costs amounting to $18. The 15th amendment was applied and worked well. Whisky was at the bottom.
Shade trees are being set out on the grounds near our new school building, which will make a very decided improvement.
Mr. Albert Ensminger, son of Mr. H. Ensminger, of North Robinson is attending the Shelby High School.
-------- Darius --------
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed.
Correspondence news found in the Friday April 13, 1877 Crestline Advocate.
From Shelby
Passed Away -- Runaway -- Shelby Machine Works and Woolen Mill -- Temperance Meetings -- Sermons, Etc.
Shelby, O., April 9 ‘77.
On the 6th inst. we laid away in the Oakland Cemetery, the body of Levi Bargahiser, an appropriate sermon was preached by his pastor, Rev. D. Summers, in the English Lutheran church from the 1st chapter of Job, 21st verse --last clause, "The Lord hath given and the Lord hath taken away." The subject of this notice was 19 years. His disease consumption, which it is thought he contracted while attending the Centennial Exhibition last summer. Retiring in the evening, he blew out the gas instead of turning it off, the inhaling of which brought him to an early grave. We would say in connection that almost a serious accident occurred while the funeral procession was on its way from the residence of Mr. L. L. Bargahiser to the church. Mr. Betchel’s horse became unmanageable and ran away throwing out the occupants of the buggy. No damage was done, except injuring the buggy slightly, and breaking the axle of the spring wagon.
We are glad to say that Mr. Wm. McClinton has again taken up his abode in Shelby. He expects to start up the Shelby Machine Works. and will manufacture the celebrated Star Feed Cutter, as also engines, etc. The Shelby Woolen Mills are also being put in repair, and will soon be in operation.
The Murphys are on the war path here. Already we have and army of about 800 wearing the blue. The success of the movement here, under God, is due to Messrs. Brent, Cruzen and Collins, of Crestline who have been untiring in their efforts in the cause . Every night the Town Hall is filled to overflowing, and new recruits are added each evening. A Society has been formed here with Mr. Thomas Mickey as President, Dr. McMillen as Treasurer, and Jno Ward as Secretary.
On last Sabbath the Rev. Mr. Summers preached from these words: "Redeeming the time because the days are evil." (Eph. 5th and 16th.) The speaker first showed a few of the ways time may be lost; second, how time may be redeemed; third, Why should time be redeemed? The discourse was timely and very appropriate, and was listened to with marked attention.
We are informed that during week ending March 31st, Messrs. Feighner and Billow sold fourteen sewing machines. They are prepared to furnish, at the lowest rates, any kind of sewing machines and organs.
------- Darius -----
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed
Correspondence news found in the Friday April 20th, 1877 Crestline Advocate.
From Shelby
Serious Accident -- The Murphy Army -- A Child Drinks Strong Lye -- Recovering
-- Accident to a Shelby Citizen.
Shelby O., April 16, ’77
From a recent number of the Harrisburg (Pa.) Telegraph we learn that Mrs. Dunn, of White Hill, fell down the cellar way of her residence and broke one of her wrists and sustained other serious injuries. The injured lady is 65 years of age and it is feared that she will not recover. Mrs. Dunn is a sister to Mrs. D. Billow of our village.
A little three year old son of D. M. Cook, on Wednesday of last week drank a quantity of strong lye which burned his mouth, tongue and throat, in a fearful manner. While Mr. Cook was gone for a physician, Mrs. Cook gave the child a quantity of thick cream which had a good effect. When the doctor arrived he administered vinegar to the little sufferer, which seems to be the true antidote for lye. At present the child is doing well.
On Friday last, Mr. H.M. Dick, for many years, the boss carpenter on the Cleveland & Indianapolis Road, while inspecting a bridge at a place not far from Cincinnati, fell from a ladder 22 feet. Fortunately he fell on a bank of sand, and no bones were broken, though he sustained considerable injury -- it is thought not serious. He was brought home to his family here, in a special car, and were glad to know at this writing that he is comfortable as he can be under circumstances. It is believed by his friends that he will soon convalescent.
The Murphy army is still marching on here, and 1,100 have enlisted under the flag of temperance. They have already scaled the walls of King Alcohol, hot shot and shell are thrown into the anti-temperance camp, and it is believed that the temperance flag will soon float over a free and disenthralled people, God speed the time.
Mr. N.F. Mickey, a postal clerk on the Cleveland & Indianapolis Road, who has been ill for some time, is again on the street, and will soon be ready for duty.
Mr. Thomas Mickey, of the firm of T. Mickey, of the firm of T. Mickey & Co., has gone to Washington City, and will return via. New York. Look out for lots of good news.
----- Darius ----
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed
Correspondence news found in the Friday May. 4 1877 Crestline Advocate.
From Shelby.
Temperance Meetings -- Deserved Fine -- Snow Storm -- Improvements -- The Backache and Measles -- Fire
Shelby o., May 1, ’77
For the first time in the history of Shelby, I am proud to say it can boast of a Marshal and Constable; they wear the blue badge.
The Murphy meetings are still continued night after night. Although not as many are now signing the interest is unabating. About 1,300 have taken the pledge and still they come.
On the 25th ult., Fred Weaver, a doggery keeper, was arraigned before the Mayor for a violation of an ordinance regulating the sale of, and keeping ale, beer and porter houses. He had to whistle to the tune of about $32, fine and costs.
At this writing, snow is falling fast. Frogs have ceased to hold open air concerts, and all nature has a gloomy and winter-like appearance.
Two of your townsman, Joseph Hunt, Sr. and son are painting and otherwise ornamenting the residence of Mr. D. Billow, on Second street. They are first class workmen, and deserve the patronage so generously given them by the public.
Our merchants are happy and have a fine spring trade, which is manifest from the improvements of all the store rooms, both outside and inside. All of them have been refilled and painted, calcimined, etc.
The roll of honor in the Shelby schools for the month of April 20h, is creditable. First banner school, A intermediate; second banner school, grammar.
----- Darius ----
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed
Correspondence news found in the Crestline Advocate.
From Shelby
Burglars -- Fines--Beneficial Ordinances -- Commencement Exercises
Shelby Ohio, June 13, 1877
Since my last jottings many things have transpired in our village of interest.
Decoration day with its reminiscence -- inspection of the fire department -- burglars plying their vocation, entering the shoe store of A.A. Brown on Main street, and a number of private dwellings. No arrests made save that of a woman who stole a pair of pantaloons and a vest from Mr. D.M. Garrett on Gamble st. She was tried and bound over to court to await trail.
Several ordinances have been passed, and one put in force, restraining cattle to run at large. One ordinance passed to prohibit tramps remaining over one hour in town, and another to prohibit persons (loafers) from congregating on the street corners on the Sabbath -- a good and wholesome thing, if enforced, and which every town would do well to imitate.
Samuel Harbriger was arrested and fined $2.00 and costs for drunkenness; Wm Robinson for same offense. $1.00 and costs; M. Kurtzman, for selling whiskey to a person who is in the habit of getting drunk, plead guilty and was fined $5.00 and costs; Francis Shiffer, for same offense, fined $15.00 -- costs $13.75 -- $28.75; Christian Weaver for quarreling and using profane language, fine and costs $7.95.
On last Friday evening the commencement exercises of Shelby High School passed off. The graduating class, (five in number, three ladies and two gentleman ) acquitted themselves well, and if they pursue their studies will make their mark in the world. The Baccalaureate sermon was preached by the Rev. N. H. Loose of the Reformed Church, on the Sabbath evening previous, to a crowded house, from the words found in Job 28:12 -- "Where shall wisdom be found, and where is the place of understanding?"
The Lutheran houses of worship, in charge of Rev. D. Summers, are all undergoing repairs. The Meyer’s church west, has a new iron roof; the London church, east, frescoed papering, and the one in town painted and a new fence.
------- Darius ------
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed

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