- Correspondence news found
in the Friday Dec. 28, 1877 Crestline Advocate.
- Jottings from Shelby.
- Shelby Dec. 26, 77
- Gus and Jake Summers, who
are attending Wittenberg College at Springfield are spending
vacation with the parents of Rev. D. Summers and his wife of
this place.
- Mr. D. E. Mackey is spending
the holiday season with his family.
- On last Friday night at 12
oclock, William Rutan, living three miles west, committed
suicide by shooting himself in the intestines with a rifle loaded
with pebbles. He was an industrious and temperate young man about
the age of 22 years, unmarried, and residing with his father.
Some time since he professed sanctification, and being very conscientious
-- seeing his failings -- he became somewhat deranged and took
this plan to end his misery. His mother has been in feeble health
for some time; and it is thought that she will hardly endure
the shock.
- The entertainment at the Lutheran
church Christmas Eve, given by the children of the Sabbath School
was instructive, profitable and enjoyable, and a full house greeted
- Nelson Ealand and another
young "lark" of this place, whose name we did not learn,
were several days in the "cooler" at Shiloh last week.
- Prof. W. H. Prichard and family
are spending their vacation with friends and relatives at Lucas,
and will attend the meeting of the Teachers Institute at
- Rev. Thompson, of Presbyterian
church is absent from the city on a brief vacation.
- Jack Thayer and several other
"young bloods," under the influence of rot gut came
near getting to the lock up today.
- A few days ago we had the
pleasure of taking by the hand our genial friend and former citizen,
- F. S. Robertson, now of Tiffin.
- Mr. H. Chamberlain and family
of Toledo, are guests of Dr. Bricker of this place during the
- We noticed on the streets
today our old friend, Mr. Greenleaf, of Tiffin.
- The prize drill and gift entertainment
by the gun squad this evening in the Town Hall was a success
financially and socially. To Capt. Cockley was awarded the "Codfish"
as being the ugliest man in town.
- Mr. D. M. Garrett has returned
- Mr. Smith Francis, son-in-law
of Mr. John Kingsborough, was in our city a few days since.
- Mr. S. H. Palmer has removed
with his family to St. Thomas, Canada.
- Mrs. Baines, of Springfield,
was with the Murphy Boys a few weeks ago. She delivered an instructive
lecture Sabbath evening in the Town Hall for the benefit of the
boys. If you have never heard the champion of this cause of temperance,
go and hear her, it will pay you.
- ------- Darius ------
- Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler