Jottings from Shelby
in the
Crestline Advocate

Vernon Junction News
Correspondence news found in the March 23, 1899 Crestline Democrat.
Vernon Junction Notes
James Gundrum for assessor.
Will Fry is the owner of a new driving horse.
John Curren recently purchased a fine driving horse.
Mrs. Elmer Guyton , of Pittsburgh, is visiting with her husband.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Reidle of Shelby are the guests of Mrs. Nazor.
A horse owned by Joe Gwirtz, accidentally broke its leg Sunday and had to be killed.
Will Gunther, who has been confined indoors for some time, is some better at this writing.
Quite a number of young people celebrated the 17th at Mansfield and all report a good time.
Will Long and Ellis Cattee have dissolved partnership by selling their ducks to Weaver Brothers.
Work has begun on the old church Monday for the purpose of converting it into a school house. This fills a long felt want both by the pastor and parish, as the school is not large enough to accommodate the pupils. The work is being done by different members of the congregation, thus saving considerable expense.
Chas. Beech brought his five months winter term of school to a close last Friday quite a number of the teacher’s and pupil’s friends were present and all were treated to a bountiful dinner. The day was given to recitations and declamations which showed the method in which the different subjects have been taught during the term.. Mr. Beech commenced his spring term Monday at the same school.
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed.
Correspondence news found in the Aug. 10, 1899 Crestline Democrat.
Vernon Junction Notes
Mr. Goetz of near Ashland visited with Father Hopp over Sunday.
Miss Kittie Carrigan returned to Mansfield after two weeks visit with the McMahon family.
Mrs. Bridget O’Day of Edgerton, O. was the guest of R. Finnegan and family several days last week.
Bennet Cattey, George Colle and Harry Orwiler left for Ada last Monday to attend college at that place.
Mrs. Hammond of Columbus left for home Friday after a couple of weeks visiting with friends in the settlement.
Misses Mary McMahon, Minnie Sutter and Cora Knapp and Messrs. Peter and Louis Brennan and Sherman Myers took a trip to Toledo, Sunday.
Barney Mc Mahon, while out exercising his mustang last Saturday evening lost control of the animal and took a more speedy ride than he had bargained for.
S.H. Tucker of Vernon expects to move to Shelby soon, where he will erect a 10 cent barn . This will fill a long felt want in the town. We wish our friend success in his undertaking.
Mrs. Chas. Boles, who died Friday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Guenther was buried at 10 o’clock from the Reformed Church of Shelby. Interment in Oakland cemetery.
Will Fry feels a pardonable pride in driving his new snow white road horse. While Prince cannot exactly show his heels to every stepper in town, yet like a tortoise, he manages to get there.
Some of Shelby sports were out Sunday afternoon trying to chase up a game of ball, but failed owing to the fact that the settlement team wished to meet something that could afford them at lease common amusement.
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed.
Correspondence news found in the Aug. 24, 1899 Crestline Democrat.
Vernon Junction Notes.
Mrs. Jos. Gosser too in the excursion to Sandusky.
School opened in No. 6 last Monday after a two months vacation.
The new residence of Henry Sutter was the scene of a ball last Saturday evening.
Miss Elsie Myers, of Crestline, is spending a few weeks with friends and relatives in this place.
Martin Frye and family of Crestline paid a visit to their old home in the Settlement Sunday afternoon.
Joe Laubie and Henry Fisher were entertained very royally at the pleasant home of Jos. Gosser and Family Sunday evening.
Several of our young people attended the entertainment and social given for the benefit of St. Mary’s church of Shelby last Wednesday evening.
Rev. F. J. Hopp was in Akron last Sunday assisting at Forty Hours devotion in that place.
Services in the parish church were conducted by a Jesuit Father.
A very interesting game of ball was played last Sunday between the "Oklahoma Indians" of Shelby and the Settlement "Boys in Blue". It resulted in a score of 9 to 12 in favor of the latter.
While Weaver Brothers were moving to their big thresher Friday from Rondy’s the rear axle broke letting the ponderous thing come down to earth with a crash that shook the shingles on the Finnegan barn which stands near the scene of the accident. Will Frye and Charles Weaver, two employees who were perched on the machine at the time sustained a severe shock -- so severe that it is said neither has uttered a sulphurous word since.
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed.
Correspondence news found in the Sept. 7, 1899 Crestline Democrat.
Vernon Junction Notes.
Chicken Thieves are becoming very troublesome in this vicinity.
The telephone posts on the main road leading from Shelby to Crestline are being placed in position rapidly.
The old parochial school building was removed to its permanent stand on the McMahon farm last Tuesday.
Frona Gwirtz of Shelby spent a few days last week at her grandmothers in the Settlement.
John Kastner and Andrew Brown wheeled over to Sandusky, Saturday.
Frank Stine left last Friday for Philadelphia, Pa. where he intends to spend a few weeks among friends and relatives.
George Kaupp, who has been suffering from a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism for some time, we are glad to note is convalescing under the skillful treatment of Dr. Hyde of Shelby.
Henry Metzger made the purchase of a fine new buggy in Galion last Friday.
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed

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