- Crestline Advocate: July 22,
- Vernon
Station Burns
- Structure Entirely Destroyed
Tuesday Evening-Much Loss
- At about ten oclock
Tuesday night Operator Berkshire working at the combined Big
Four and Pennsylvania station at Vernon Junction discovered the
building in flames.
- He made strenuous endeavors
to fight the blaze, but it gained too much headway, apparently
having smoldered some time underneath the floor of the freight
room unnoticed by the operator, who was working at the opposite
end of the building.
- The dry and seasoned building
proved good tinder and in a short time nothing but
- a pile of debris, and bent
and twisted interlocking levers and appliances marked the spot.
- Quite a quantity of freight,
several baggage trucks, valuable records and tickets were destroyed.
- It is also reported that
40 dollars in currency left in the ticket case by the agent is
- The interlocking system was
put on commission also the telegraph wires and trains had to
be operated by hand signals delaying traffic some what.
- The loss will amount to quite
a few hundred dollars.
Contributed 10-11-2005
- by Mr. Kim Butler Histed.