- From the Crestline Advocate:
- Christian Weaver:
- The following was taken
from the Shelby Globe concerning the death of Christian Weaver,
Grandfather of Miss Naomia Weaver of this City. Mr Weaver also
has many veteran friends here.
- Christian Weaver, a
former resident of Shelby, died at the home of his
- daughter in Mansfield. The
cause of his death was a complication of diseases. He had been
in ill health for some months.
- The funeral will be
held Saturday afternoon at 1 oclock at the home of his
daughter in Mansfield. The body will be brought to Shelby by
automobile, and interment will be made in the Oakland Cemetery.
- are invited. The casket will
be opened at the cemetery, for Shelby friends.
- Christian Weaver was
born in Wertenberg, German, and was 73 years, 8 months and 18
days of age at the time of his death. He came to Shelby many
years ago, and for some time lived on North Broadway. He was
employed at the factory of Sutter Manufacturing company and for
some years drove a wagon for the late W, H. Morris, who was in
the elevator business here.
- Six years ago he went to Mansfield,
and since that time had made his home with his daughter. His
wife died three years ago last July. He is survived by six children.
They are Scott Weaver, of Alliance; Mrs. M.F, Snyder of Paris,
Texas, Mrs J.G. Gerstacker of Cleveland ; Mrs. Fred Lewis of
Mansfield, Mrs. Wm. Becks of Cleveland , and Charles Weaver of
the Marine Corps 18th Corps, Co. I., Paris Island, South Carolina.
He also leaves several grandchildren, besides a host of other
relatives and friends who are left to mourn his death.
- Mr. Weaver was a veteran
of the Civil War. He was a member of Co. F, 64tn regiment of
the O.V. I. He was well known in Shelby, and leaves many friends
in this community who will be grieved to learn of his death.
- Contributed 10-11-2005
- by Mr. Kim Butler Histed.