Jottings from Shelby
in the
Crestline Advocate

The "Jottings" in the following sections are to be found in The Crestline Advocate. They
were submitted by unknown authors using pen names. The most noted pen name is "Darius".
Microfilms of the papers with the original articles can be found at the Crestline Public Library,
North Thoman St., Crestline, Ohio. For the most part the articles are posted here on the web
page are as they were originally written
Correspondence news found in the Friday January 4, 1878 Crestline Advocate.
Jottings from Shelby
Shelby, January 1, 1878
Mrs. Michael Overdier, residing a short distance south of Shelby, died on the 27th ult. On Friday Morning the following , as the hearse of J.M. Bloom was starting from to attend the funeral, the horses became unmanageable, nearly running away. After running several squares they were got under control by the driver.
Mr. Amos Garber is on visit to Perry county, Pennsylvania, his former home.
Mr. F.C. Todd and family were spending the holidays at Monroeville.
Daniel Baker had a paralytic stroke last Saturday morning and has since been in a precarious condition, with but slight hopes of his recovery.
A telephone is in operation in Shelby. It connects with the Mayor’s office and the warehouse at the C.C.C. & I R’y crossing.
We are sorry to note that Mr. Thomas Mickey is in declining health.
Mr. G.W. Billow of Springfield, spent several days in and about Shelby, in the interest of the St. John Sewing Machine Company. He was the guest of his brother, Mr. D. Billow.
On Thursday evening of this week the A. E. Literary Society will give a benefit entertainment
in Bowman Hall.
Hon. S. S. Bloom, Representative elect will leave here for Columbus on Friday of this week.
Mr. C.O.Billow is spending the holidays with friends and relatives in Galion.
Yesterday was the annual inspection of the Shelby Fire Department. The Chief, John Dempsey, mad a congratulatory speech in which he thanked the members for their uniform good development, for which three hearty cheers were voted him, being given with a will.
Two confidence men and a Jew stopped at one of our boarding houses a few weeks since. The sharpers had a mysterious tobacco box, on which they got up a bet of ten dollars with the Israelite that he could not open the same. The money was put up and lost by the Jew, not being content he next put up sixty dollars which went in the same way. The Jew then commenced to cry and started for the Mayor’s office. A warrant was gotten out, and after a long chase one of the men was secured and brought to trail, he paying $25 and costs and the Jew $10 and costs for betting, The other made his appearance a few days ago, and yesterday he was arrested, tried, and fined $30 and costs.
Jack Thayer was yesterday released from the "cooler" after a confinement of one week. Disorderly conduct on Christmas, superinduced by and overdose of rot-gut was the cause.
----- Darius--------
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed
Correspondence news found in the Friday January 25, 1878 Crestline Advocate.
Jottings from Shelby
Shelby, Jan 16, 1878
Mr. H. Marvin is improving and there are hopes of saving both his eyes.
Mrs. Thos. Mickey has so far regained his health as to be able to devote several hours to business each day.
Jas. Green, son of M. M. Green, of our city, has, through the influence of S. S. Bloom, been appointed messenger of the House of Representatives.
We were glad to meet our former townsman and friends in our streets a few days ago, Mr. E. C. Orton, of West Unity, O.
Dr. G. W. Keiser and wife of Bryan, Ohio, are spending a few days’ with Mrs. Keiser’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Duffee. Mrs. K was quite ill when arriving here, but is again convalescent.
Mr. Geo. Shiebly has gone East to visit a few months among the hills and delightful valleys of Perry county, Pa. , his former home.
Rev. D. summers preached last Sabbath at Bucyrus, Rev. D. I. Foust filling the latter’s appointment in Shelby.
The Shelby coronet Band, Light Guards and Cavalry Company, attended the inauguration of Governor Bishop on the 14th inst., as did also a number of our citizens.
Rev. D. I. Foust has exchanged his West Main property for the property formerly owned by G. W. Billow on East Main Street.
The clothing house of Mr. John Saviers of our city has suspended. The Sheriff sells the goods on the 19th inst.
Mr. J. W. Leppo and Hy Fletcher who a few months ago left here to make their fortune in California saw the elephant and returned today if not wiser, at least with less cash in their pockets. Live and learn is a good adage.
Shelby, Jan. 22, ’78
Rev. N. H. Loose, formerly pastor of the Reformed Church here, and wife, paid our city a brief visit last week.
Mr. R. B. Stober is improving in health.
J. H. Dempsey has resumed his studies at Gambier College after a brief vacation and visit to his parents, in this place.
The township trustees are talking about making some alterations and improvements on our Town Hall.
Mrs. Mary Madden is absent from the city on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Studybaker, of McLeansborough, Ill.
We have just learned that stock is being taken in the burned district, and we hope to see a fine building put up.
The clothing stock of John Saviers advertised to be sold at Sheriff’s sale 19 inst. an injunction being served which stopped the proceedings.
S. H. Evans formerly in the confectionery business and Chas. Welsh , in the boot and shoe trade have exchanged occupations. Evans now occupies the boot and shoe store, while Welsh is ruminating among the sweets of the world. Success to both.
Protracted meetings are now in progress in the Campbellite and M. E. churches of this place.
The divorce suit brought by Mrs. Lowenthall against her husband, including alimony, was decided last week against the latter .
Mr. Samuel Rockwell has been quite ill for several weeks, but is reported better.
The "Drummer Boy or Battle of Shiloh," will be played here by home talent, under the direction of the author of the play on the evening of the 31st and Feb. 1st and 2nd. The entertainment will be given in the interest of the Shelby Light Artillery.
Submitted by Joan Histed
Correspondence news found in the Friday February 15, 1878 Crestline Advocate.
Jottings from Shelby.
Shelby, February 12, 1878
The Drummer Boy, or Battle-Field of Shiloh, was both well rendered and attended here, and was a success financially. "Michael Earl" or the "Manic Lover" in two acts will soon be produced by the Dramatic Club of Shelby.
Mr. D. Ailer has rented a hotel room in Sandusky City, and is about removing there.
Last week a sleigh load of young folks paid a visit to our former townsman, Mr. Louis Barga, now residing west of your city on the John Newman farm, he purchased some time since.
The creditors held a meeting today at the Beverstock House to consider whether their interests would be advanced by forcing Mickey & Co. into bankruptcy. The meeting adjourned without any definite action, agreeing to wait further developments. Mr. Mickey’s health is such now that he is confined to his house.
Mr. H. Marvin is again able to attend to business. Though his eyes are weak, he can see out of them.
Farmers and others are making good use of the snow, and sawmill owners are happy in seeing their yards fill up with logs.
Mr. Dick, living several miles southeast of Shelby, lately sold two walnut trees for $140, which are being hauled to Shelby.
Examination is going on this week, which makes a busy time among the scholars of
the several school departments.
---------- Darius ----------------
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed
Correspondence news found in the Friday Feb. 22, 1878 Crestline Advocate.
Jottings from Shelby
Shelby, February 18, 1878
On Wednesday of last week, C. Schroer, furniture dealer, made an assignment to Mr. Edgar Wilson, who will sell the goods at auction next Saturday for the benefit of the creditors.
Still another assignment on Thursday by H.A. Lee, book and stationary dealer, to J. Hildeband. What disposition will be made of the stock we have not heard yet.
Morgan, Root & Co., of Cleveland have purchased Mickey and Co.'s stock of dry goods, and will run a branch store here. Mr. W. Mickey to superintend the business.
Mr. J. H. Delany, from Virginia, has commenced to selling dry goods in what is known as the Speelman Block.
The Probate Court of Richland county has appointed David Cummins as assignee of Bowman and Dickerson, of our city.
Mr. Dell Johnson, for a number of years in the employ of Dr. W.R. Bricker, fell and broke his arm last week.
Mr. Sherman Wheeler, who is attending school at Gambier, O. was last week brought home sick, but is now improving.
Mrs. J.W. Struble is very ill, with no hopes of her improving.
The Leiter Hook and Ladder Sporting Co. disposed of their truck last week by lottery among their members, John Saviers being the lucky customer.
The Myers congregation of the Shelby charge gave their pastor, Rev. D. Summers, and agreeable surprise last week. Larder and granary were each replaced by their visitors.
This Morning Mr. Wm. Such, an aged lady, was discovered sitting by the roadside near the cemetery., in a languid condition, and before assistance could be procured to remover her she had expired. We are not in possession of the particulars.
------------ Darius -----------------
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed
Correspondence news found in the Friday March 1, 1878 Crestline Advocate.
Jottings from Shelby.
Shelby Feb. 25, 1878
The Murphy meeting was addressed on last evening by the Rev. D. I. Foust at the Town Hall. The house was filled, and all were interested in the discourse, which was based on the words, "Where shall we go."
The Shelby Centre Mills have been shut down for several days and are undergoing repairs.
Misses Lottie Weiser and Libbie Kingsborough are visiting friends at Indianapolis, Ind.
Mr. C. H. Beistline, son of our townsman, H. Beistline, will leave some time during this week for Arcadia, N.Y., to work in the marble shops of Mr. Johnson.
Messrs. Mann and Steele have bought the building near the B & O. .R.R., where they intend, in the near future to open a tin and stove store.
The jury impaneled to hold and inquest over the body of Mrs. Such, of whom mention was made last week, returned a verdict that she probably died of heart disease. She was buried in Plymouth, O. and was aged 62 years.
Mr. D. V. Brickely, has purchased the dwelling formerly owned by Mr. D. Funk, on West Main Street.
Mr. James Dempsey, a student of Gambier College, is at home with his parents, seriously ill with scarlet fever. His supposed to be out of danger.
A young man named Brubaker from Plymouth, O and Thomas Sharkey and Charles Curren, of our city, got considerably shook up by the too free use of "tangle-leg" which brought them up at the Mayor’s office. They were each fined for disorderly conduct and discharged, it is hoped wiser and better.
A man by the name of Tuttle, who was last week selling a patent flat iron, was arrested and fined for offering and insult to a lady, and using profane language.
Last but not least, two boys, named Peterson and Nichols, were arrested today on a warrant which charged them with disorderly conduct last Saturday evening--insulting some young ladies and assaulting Mr. Brucker. They were each fined, and in default lodged in the "cooler" several hours, when they obtained bail and were released. Too much of the "oh-be-joyful" was at the bottom of the affair.
On the 15th inst, a fire occurred at the residence of Daniel Cole, four miles northwest of here, damaging clothing to the amount of $80. He was insured in the Buckeye, of Shelby, and the loss was promptly paid.
The U.B. congregation are holding a protracted meeting here.
Submitted by Joan Histed
Correspondence news found in the Friday March 8, 1878 Crestline Advocate.
Jottings from Shelby
Shelby, March 4, 1878
Mr. Daniel Hawn is Seriously ill, and Mr. Thos. Mickey is rapidly declining, the latter is confined to his bed. Col. John Dempsey is also back on the sick list.
The series of meetings are still in progress in the U. .B. church.
Mr. J. J. Sotzen is breaking ground preparatory to putting up his business rooms in the burnt district.
Mr. Ed. Roberts is here on a brief visit to his parents, looking hale and hearty.
We were pleased to take by the hand today our old friend and former townsman, Mr. Hauk Smiley. Time is dealing gently with him.
Mr. Samuel Sutter, Jr. has purchased from assignee E. Wilson, the furniture store owned by C.Schroer.
Mrs. J. W. Struble died last Thursday evening, the funeral taking place on Saturday at 1 o’clock p.m. Dr. Nelson of the Methodist church, of which she was a member, officiated, assisted by Rev. D. Summers of the Lutheran church.
Mr. Ezekiel Daugherty died suddenly of heart disease at his residence in Auburn township, Crawford county, on the 25th ult.
Adams and Goodwillie have opened a clothing store and gents furnishings department in the room formerly occupied by John Saviers. The latter gentleman has charge of the business.
Dr.A. Laser has purchased the D.Ailer property on West Main Street.
John Orwiller and John Sutter left today to seek home in Texas. Success attend both of them.
The mild weather has again brought the gate swingers to the surface. We expect this season to be able to report Shelby’s full share of the lovely creatures "doings".
Last Sabbath morning a tape worm measuring six feet in length was dislodged from the person of Mr. Sweeney, of this place, through the practical skill of Drs. Breckbill and Ballard.
The attendance of the Murphy meeting was good on Sabbath evening. The audience was entertained by Dr. Nelson in his usual candid style.
We were profitably and instructively entertained on Sabbath evening by Rev. D. Summers at the Lutheran church. His discourse was founded on the words in Matthew’s gospel, 9th chap., 13th verse---- "And when the devil was cast our, the dumb spake, and the multitudes marveled, saying: It was never so seen in Israel.
T. Jeff Mickey leaves tomorrow for a tour through Kansas and other parts of the west.
Mr. Schiffer, a doggery-keeper on East Main Street, was today arrested at the insistence of Mr. L. Curtis for selling spirituous liquors to his minor son, and brought before Mayor Hiderbrant, where he deposited $28.60.
A Mr. Patterson from Bellefountaine has purchased the dry goods stock of Bowman and Mickey from the assignee, and will at once commence to business with a view of making this his permanent home.
Mr. H. Wentz, Jr. Spent last Sabbath here with his family and friends.
Public Sale:
Mr. John Weaver , residing near the Catholic church in German Settlement , will have a large sale on the 19th of this month , (Tuesday) consisting of stock, farm implements, hay by the ton., etc. Terms made known on the day of the sale. Thos. Snodgrass will sell the property.
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed
Correspondence news found in the Friday March 15, 1878 Crestline Advocate.
Jottings from Shelby.
Shelby, March 12, 1878
Mr. Jos. Maidens has his old position as engineer in the Centre Flouring Mills.
Mr. T. Jeff Mickey has returned from his Kansas trip.
Mr. Sherman Wheeler, who was at his father’s home on the sick list, has returned to his studies at Gambier College.
Mrs. S. Muscroft, author of the "Drummer Boy", paid Shelby a flying visit last week.
Geo. M. Skiles, Esq., took a trip to Indiana last week on legal business.
Rev. D. I. Foust preached in the reformed church last Sabbath.
Mr. R. Sheppert and wife have returned from Elmira, N.Y.
Dr. Chas H. Cooper, from West Virginia has formed a co-partnership with Dr. C. McMillen for the practice of Medicine here.
The Union meetings are in progress.
Miss Nannie Jaques is visiting at her uncle’s Dr. John Mack.
Miss Allie Bricker has returned from a two week visit at Toledo.
Mr. Al Rockwell formerly of this place, but now Columbus Grove, O. is here on a visit to his parents, looking well.
Our old friend W. N. Rex, who to California last summer is lying at the point of death at Rough and Ready, that State, with a disease of the heart.
G. P. Reynolds is again with us. Mr. R. has been traveling as advertising agent for Prof. J. W. Pike. The Professor has been lecturing on Geology through Indiana and Illinois.
Mr. Daniel Hawn is recovering from his illness.
At this writing (9 p.m.) a dashing rain is falling which threatens to deluge everything. The rain commenced about 5 o’clock, with heavy thunder and lightening.
Everything in nature has a spring like appearance. Shrubs and flowers bursting forth and the prospects of and abundant crop, of apples and peaches were never better.
Free concerts by frogs every night.
---------- Darius ---------
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed.
Correspondence news found in the Friday March 22, 1878 Crestline Advocate.
Jottings from Shelby
Shelby, March 19, 1878
Col. John Dempsey and son, James, are again on the street after a severe illness.
Mr. D.M. Garret is home from his place of business at the ‘Hub."
Mrs. Mary Madden has returned from a visit West.
Messrs. John Orwiller and John Sutter have returned from their Texas trip.
Mrs. Ashbaugh has purchased the J.D. Morthland property on Broad street for $1,250.
Mr. Samuel N. Bell has gone to Beechwood, Pa., where he will remain for the summer.
Mr. W. O. Fraser, formerly of this place, has challenged Mr. Scott, of Annapolis, Crawford county, to run a foot race here on the 4th of July, distance 85 yards, for $1000.00 as side, with the privilege of increasing the amount to $3,000.
Mr. Amos Garber, who has been on a visit to his parents in Pennsylvania has returned.
Mr. F. S. Sowers is on the sick list, and as soon as the weather will permit he intends visiting the White Sulphur Springs in Virginia for his health.
Mr. Harmon Dick and Capt. Cockley have purchased the Mickey Block from the assignee for $14,100.
The heavy rain on Tuesday evening of last week done considerable damage. The Black Fork was ten inches higher than has ever been known since the settlement. Some of the houses on the flats were flooded with water, and inmates had to be removed by means of horses.
The Union meetings are still in progress, but thus far without any special interests. Meetings are held each afternoon and evening.
We can only report one occupant in our calaboose last week---a stranger found by the night police with his head badly cut. He was released after depositing the usual fees with the Mayor.
Our Schools are having a vacation for one week, previous to the commencement of the Spring term.
----------- Darius-------------
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed.
Correspondence news found in the Friday March 29, 1878 Crestline Advocate.
Jottings from Shelby.
Shelby March 27, 1878
The many friends of Mr. Wm. N. Rex will be pained to learn of his death which took place on the 11th inst. in Grass Valley, Rough and Ready, Cal., He was one of the pioneers of this county.
Mr. Samuel Rockwell is lying hopelessly ill at his residence on Gamble street.
Mr. Thos. Mickey is rapidly declining in health, and unless relief is obtained soon he cannot survive long.
Mr. Sol. Hersheiser, two miles north, had 25 sheep drown during the recent freshet.
Mr. and Mrs. Isreal Shutt of Shiloh, spent a few days here last week with old friends.
At the republican caucus last night in Town Hall a full ticket was nominated, with Hilderbrant as Mayor.
The Murphy meeting was addressed last Sabbath evening by Bro. F.M. Green, of Akron. He made a fine speech and a good impression.
There has been all sorts of weather hereabouts for the past few days, snow, rain, thunder and lighting and hard freezing. The indications are that the fruit will be seriously injured.
Mr. D. Billow has been nursing a carbuncle on his wrist for the past ten days.
Mr. D. M. Garret has resumed his business in Boston after a brief visit to the family
About fifteen boys were arrested last week for breaking a lock and using Tom Wetz’s had car. The Mayor gave them good advice and discharged them, on a promise to be better in the future.
Our town was all excitement last Wednesday morning, burglars having entered a number of private houses. Mr. John Kerr lost his coat and vest and $9; John Chapman and Abraham Bushey each lost a silver watch. At several other places, they were discovered just in time to thwart their thievish designs. Nothing has been heard from them since.
Mrs. Barbara Renninger, aged 81 years died on the 12th inst., two miles east. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. D. Summers. She sleeps in the London cemetery.
The Richland county Court convened on the 25th inst. with over 200 cases on the docket. John Firovet, Lewis Hersheiser and John Garnheart are on the Grand Jury from the vicinity of Shelby.
Mr. J.W. Cullins, two miles west, lost a valuable horse last week. The animal sprained it back in some way, from the effects of which it died.
The Union meetings closed on last Sabbath evening.
R.D. Stober has so far recovered his health as to be able to ride in a carriage.
Mr. Jacob Hines is on the sick list.
Our merchants are busy getting their spring stock of goods, and are anticipating a good trade.
From present indications we think the crop of store box loafers has not diminished
any during the past winter. A few warm days will be sufficient to start the brigade
to work, and they can get their jack-knives ready for a vigorous campaign.
Eggs only 6 cents per dozen. Who wouldn’t be a hen.
------ Darius -----
Submitted by Mr. Kim Butler Histed.

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