- Correspondence news found
in the Friday January 25, 1878 Crestline Advocate.
- Jottings from Shelby
- Shelby, Jan 16, 1878
- Mr. H. Marvin is improving
and there are hopes of saving both his eyes.
- Mrs. Thos. Mickey has so far
regained his health as to be able to devote several hours to
business each day.
- Jas. Green, son of M. M. Green,
of our city, has, through the influence of S. S. Bloom, been
appointed messenger of the House of Representatives.
- We were glad to meet our former
townsman and friends in our streets a few days ago, Mr. E. C.
Orton, of West Unity, O.
- Dr. G. W. Keiser and wife
of Bryan, Ohio, are spending a few days with Mrs. Keisers
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Duffee. Mrs. K was quite ill when
arriving here, but is again convalescent.
- Mr. Geo. Shiebly has gone
East to visit a few months among the hills and delightful valleys
of Perry county, Pa. , his former home.
- Rev. D. summers preached last
Sabbath at Bucyrus, Rev. D. I. Foust filling the latters
appointment in Shelby.
- The Shelby coronet Band, Light
Guards and Cavalry Company, attended the inauguration of Governor
Bishop on the 14th inst., as did also a number of our citizens.
- Rev. D. I. Foust has exchanged
his West Main property for the property formerly owned by G.
W. Billow on East Main Street.
- The clothing house of Mr.
John Saviers of our city has suspended. The Sheriff sells the
goods on the 19th inst.
- Mr. J. W. Leppo and Hy Fletcher
who a few months ago left here to make their fortune in California
saw the elephant and returned today if not wiser, at least with
less cash in their pockets. Live and learn is a good adage.
- Occasional
- Shelby, Jan. 22, 78
- Rev. N. H. Loose, formerly
pastor of the Reformed Church here, and wife, paid our city a
brief visit last week.
- Mr. R. B. Stober is improving
in health.
- J. H. Dempsey has resumed
his studies at Gambier College after a brief vacation and visit
to his parents, in this place.
- The township trustees are
talking about making some alterations and improvements on our
Town Hall.
- Mrs. Mary Madden is absent
from the city on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Studybaker,
of McLeansborough, Ill.
- We have just learned that
stock is being taken in the burned district, and we hope to see
a fine building put up.
- The clothing stock of John
Saviers advertised to be sold at Sheriffs sale 19 inst.
an injunction being served which stopped the proceedings.
- S. H. Evans formerly in the
confectionery business and Chas. Welsh , in the boot and shoe
trade have exchanged occupations. Evans now occupies the boot
and shoe store, while Welsh is ruminating among the sweets of
the world. Success to both.
- Protracted meetings are now
in progress in the Campbellite and M. E. churches of this place.
- The divorce suit brought by
Mrs. Lowenthall against her husband, including alimony, was decided
last week against the latter .
- Mr. Samuel Rockwell has been
quite ill for several weeks, but is reported better.
- The "Drummer Boy or Battle
of Shiloh," will be played here by home talent, under the
direction of the author of the play on the evening of the 31st
and Feb. 1st and 2nd. The entertainment will be given in the
interest of the Shelby Light Artillery.
- ------Darius-----
- Submitted by Joan Histed