- Vintage
Shelby Maps
- 1896
- Shelby
- (West
- (Use the buttons
below to navigate along Main Street or move north or south.)

- Much
has been added to the area between Main Street and Smiley
- since
the previous map. The area south of Main Street and west of the
- C.
C. C. & St.L. (Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, & St.Louis)
("The Big 4")
- Railroad
tracks is largely undeveloped at this time.
- The
Shelby Steel Tube Works plant faces southeastward with the
- office
on the opposite side of the tracks. Northward along the
- west
side of the tracks is the Shelby Milling Company and a
- coal
yard across the tracks.
- W
- Return
to Main Map Page.
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